The Dr. Breus Bed (Talalay Latex)
Oct 25, 2010 11:51 PM
Joined: Oct 24, 2010
Points: 18
Hello all, still on my hunt for a good bed.  My wife and I were originally looking at a Kingsdown Sleep to Live 800 Series (red/blue), but after reading some reviews we were a little skid dish and decided to look at a latex bed.  Now I know there are a lot of on-line companies like Sleepez and FloBeds, but buying a bed untested from an online retailer just is a little too inconvenient as we have to deal with shipping cost if we get the firmness wrong.  So we went back to my local Sleepy’s to look at what they have to offer for latex beds.  Turns our they just received the new line of Dr. Breus latex beds that same day which are made by IBC.  We tried all five models and narrowed it down to two.  As this is a brand new line of beds it is hard for me to find on-line detailed specs.  I know the salesperson tells me the bed is entirely Talalay latex, but I would like to confirm that from another source.  Does anyone have anything they can share on me these beds?  Or if there are any other recommendations of other beds we should look at?  Thanks all.


Re: The Dr. Breus Bed (Talalay Latex)
Reply #45 Nov 30, 2010 7:57 PM
Joined: Oct 3, 2010
Points: 809
I'm not sure which question I haven't answered but to post on this forum requires a disclosure if you are in any way connected to the mattress industry. Some of my earlier posts (if you search them) will tell you more about my "journey" regarding mattresses but I have no connection in any way, direct or indirect, to any part of the mattress or bedding industry including this forum. If this ever were to change I would disclose it here so that any opinions I expressed or links I posted that could in any way be affected by where I worked or what I did could take this into account. There are many others here whose opinions, knowledge, and experience are highly valued who have already done this.

I should also add that there are many others who will read this thread long after it dies and that what it says and the accuracy of the information in it may affect their buying decision as well.

When you come to a forum like this and post "We just bought our signature at Sleepy's.  Unfortunately, all of you are looking at this the wrong way." in your very first post, I think it's only reasonable to expect that your opinions will be questioned and challenged.

Is there anything else I haven't answered for you?


PS: In your first post you mentioned you had just bought your mattress at Sleepy's which has descriptions of the mattress on their site. In your last post you say "I bought my bed in Tampa at famous tate's where I have shopped for many years" and they don't have a description of the Dr Breus on their site (although they do have the brand listed in their brands). Sleepy's also doesn't have an outlet in Florida listed on their site. Is Famous Tate's the same as Sleepy's? Where did you actually buy your mattress?

This message was modified Nov 30, 2010 by Phoenix
Re: The Dr. Breus Bed (Talalay Latex)
Reply #46 Dec 1, 2010 9:29 PM
Joined: Nov 29, 2010
Points: 21
You still don't want to answer my questions.  I will however answer yours.  I have two homes one in NY and one in Florida and have purchased two Dr Breus beds.  Now, after spending this time online with our conversation i am concerned about my decision.  What should i buy??  I guess that is the real issue.  IF the beds are poor quality and over priced i will return them to both retailers.  That would be unfortunate, do you really not think they are of value.  I dont feel like i was taken advantage of but you never know.  I am a good shopper that is why i am curious about what you think i should or should have purchased and even where you think i should have or make the purchase.  I could use real honest advice and havent been sure that yours is without an ulterior motive.  So, please convince me of your honesty, beyond your not being in the mattress business-which still does not resonnate well with me since i cannot get what you are getting out of this - just a feel good experience to help others, i am ok with that so please help me...thanks
Re: The Dr. Breus Bed (Talalay Latex)
Reply #47 Dec 1, 2010 9:32 PM
Joined: Nov 29, 2010
Points: 21
What is Flobed seems to be the suggested company to buy from.  Do they offer good quality products, how do they compare to the Dr. Breus mattresses.  Maybe I should get one of those.  What do you think Phoenix...
Re: The Dr. Breus Bed (Talalay Latex)
Reply #48 Dec 1, 2010 10:22 PM
Joined: Nov 30, 2010
Points: 10
The difference between high-quality mattress factory stores like Flobed and Sleep EZ, and hype-driven mass-market sellers like Dr. Breus, is the same as the difference between Porsche, BMW and Oldsmobile. At one end you have limited-production, handcrafted products made by committed experts, using the best materials available; at the other, you have a cookie-cutter copy of a hundred other models, with nearly every financial corner cut to maximize profit, and depending on intense hype and big-name puffery to sell it.

Maybe you don't want a "Porsche" or "BMW" mattress. Maybe an Olds or Chevy one is exactly what you want. If that's the case, you should buy a damned good Olds or Chevy at an Olds/Chevy price, not an overpriced muffin made from the same materials as mattresses half its price. Do the kind of research and lay-on testing Phoenix has detailed in his many posts, and then drive the hardest bargain you can for the mattress that meets your preferences and has appropriate quality inside it.

You do understand that Dr. Breus has next to nothing to do with the mattresses' design or manufacture, but is just a figurehead being used to sell an overpriced, underbuilt line of products? It's done all the time in every product field, and 99 times out of 100, the big name puffing the product is just a hired shill who was approached by a manufacturer/marketer, not the other way around.

Re: The Dr. Breus Bed (Talalay Latex)
Reply #49 Dec 1, 2010 10:57 PM
Joined: Oct 3, 2010
Points: 809
Wow Gunner ... well said. I have to copy and memorize that one :).

As to Flobeds, I believe they offer a very high quality product that would in every way be superior to Dr Breus ... but having said that I believe that they too for most circumstances are overpriced compared to other options. I'll probably get some argument about that ... and so it should be ... but it is what I believe. I do appreciate them for sponsoring this forum (it is independently owned) and for being a leader (among many others) in a new direction of mattress manufacturing but they could do better in their price/value offerings IMO. If you take a look at the many threads in which I have given people multiple options that my research has uncovered, you will notice that most of them are smaller local manufacturers that specifically offer something that in my opinion meets the needs of the person in the thread or other "do it yourself" options that I believe have something valuable and/or unique to offer. You will also notice that I have never narrowed down their choice to a specific manufacturer as I believe the final choice is up to the individual. I have talked with literally dozens of manufacturers in my own search about their mattresses, their prices, and why and how they build them. Most of them were amazingly open in sharing information with me. What is suitable to one is not to another as they each offer a different combination of risk, benefits, and value. For example I have not often even mentioned the place I bought my mattress in most of the threads I have posted because buying a manufactured mattress sight unseen as I did without the reasonable possibility of return or a layer exchange as offered by flobeds, sleepez (and many others I have linked to in my posts) would represent too great a risk. There are probably about 100 manufacturers and outlets that I believe offer amazing value but that value and the benefits that go with it are part of personal choice. What they offer and how it benefits each person is part of what each person needs to research for themselves. I am happy that I have been able to uncover many sources that have rarely if ever been mentioned in this forum in it's 10 year history and without that research and the choices they represent there are people on this forum that would not even know some of the choices they had.

My own search for a matttress that would suit my other half (and me of course) led to the beginning of this research. I was amazed at what I uncovered and the research sort of took on a life of it's own. I tend to be a researcher by nature (and profession) anyway and more about this is in some of my earlier threads. I actually enjoy doing this and for the moment I have the time and interest to do it ... even though my mattress search is over. There have been many others who have continued here after their mattress search has ended and contributed hundreds of posts with amazing information long after they "needed to". Sadly many of these are no longer here but there are always new ones to take up where they left off. For the moment and for as long as I enjoy it and am able to I am one of these "new ones". Part of this is just from gratitude from how much I learned here. There are many here who have been around a lot longer than I have and many who are part of the industry which gives them a unique perspective and I really applaud them for taking the time to keep posting.

I could probably say a lot more but if anything I tend to go on too long anyway so I'll leave it at that.

And yes I really do believe that there are at least 100 places or options where you could do better than the Dr Breus mattress ... although not all of them may be suitable for what you are looking for.


PS: I'm sill not sure what in your previous posts I haven't answered. If you could ask it again I would appreciate it.

This message was modified Dec 1, 2010 by Phoenix
Re: The Dr. Breus Bed (Talalay Latex)
Reply #50 Dec 5, 2010 7:18 PM
Joined: Nov 29, 2010
Points: 21
Phoenix I just wanted to thank you for your information. We decided to keep Dr Breus in both houses. My wife hasn't had a hot night since we got the beds. Even I sleep better at night. It seems like the feel and comfort is more important to us than the details. I wish you good luck with your new bed. Seems like you need to have those details - I am not able to take the time and effort to look that deeply into the technology. Fo me it is how well it does its job. After all I bought better sleep not just a mattress. Again thanks...
Re: The Dr. Breus Bed (Talalay Latex)
Reply #51 Dec 5, 2010 8:42 PM
Joined: Oct 3, 2010
Points: 809

I would agree that all of us are buying "better sleep" and part of the equation is "better sleep for how long?".

In the end, only time will answer that question for each of us.

Enjoy your mattresses. No matter what any of us decide, our own informed choices are the most important thing of all :)


Re: The Dr. Breus Bed (Talalay Latex)
Reply #52 Dec 16, 2010 3:03 PM
Joined: Oct 12, 2010
Points: 20
This is going back to an old comment about the mattress labels... AFAIK, those things have to be accurate by law, no computer glitch is acceptable.   

Re: The Dr. Breus Bed (Talalay Latex)
Reply #53 Dec 18, 2010 12:57 AM
Joined: Nov 14, 2010
Points: 2
Phoenix - how do you know so much?  DId you work for a mattress manufacturer???  What makes you an expert? 
Re: The Dr. Breus Bed (Talalay Latex)
Reply #54 Dec 23, 2010 10:46 PM
Joined: Oct 3, 2010
Points: 809
lovemybed wrote:

Phoenix - how do you know so much?  DId you work for a mattress manufacturer???  What makes you an expert? 

I guess it's time that I should fully disclose my background ...

I used to be part of the illuminati. There has been a conspiracy originating from the days of straw mattresses that is part of a multi layered plan to subjugate humanity. There are gelatinous creatures from another galaxy involved. Part of the plan is to make the human race sick and tired by convincing them to sleep on mattresses that don't work. People who are sick and tired can't fight back.

There are many people who are well aware of this plan who either work for "S" companies or who run websites masquerading as mattress experts. Most of them are hybrids that look somewhat human but really aren't. Many of these have no backbone so they really don't care what they or anyone else sleep on. They have been promised positions of great power and wealth in the new world that will follow if they will help convince the human race to sleep on mattresses that are no good for them.

I used to be one of these hybrids. From my earliest days I was taught the intricacies of mattress construction so that one day I could help make mattresses that would contribute to the master plan. I was proud of my heritage and my spineless nature and took to my destiny with enthusiasm and dedication. The parental genetic material from which I was developed was very proud of me.

Then one day, when I was in my early 20's, I started to notice some changes in my body. Something hard and thin was growing inside me and kept getting longer and longer. It began to affect my life in many ways including how I slept. When I could no longer deny that I had a problem or keep it hidden, I went back to the lab where I was born and was told that I was growing a backbone. Apparently, the genetic material from which I was developed had a retrograde mutation and I was reverting back to becoming human.

At first I was devastated as it was clear that I was a misfit and as my condition became worse and worse (and more and more noticeable) I also became the subject of jokes and derision from my peers. In my shame, I ran away and hid and slept on whatever I could find in the forest and the fields where I was hiding. Much to my surprise, these natural materials were more comfortable to me than anything I had grown up with.

As I slowly became more fully human, I met others who were more like me and ended up falling in love with a beautiful soul who was the most perfect combination of softness and firmness that I had ever laid my eyes (or my body) on. She was also the most supportive being I had ever known. Her name was "Latex". As we got to know each other better, she shared with me that she was part of the "mattress underground" which was a human organization dedicated to making mattresses that would help reverse the effects of sleeping on "S" mattresses and revitalize a sick and tired humanity. We were soon married and with my knowledge from my upbringing and her desire to resist the impending doom that was facing humanity, we decided to work together and help people find mattresses that would give them a chance of survival against the coming onslaught.

The rest as they say is his(and her)story. Our efforts, along with those of many others like us, are just part of a growing counterinsurgency that we hope will one day restore humanity to peaceful sleep and fully functional wakefulness and in doing so, give all of us a chance to fulfil our true destiny.


Phoenix and Latex

This message was modified Dec 24, 2010 by Phoenix

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