Dream Easy mattresses?
Jul 5, 2009 5:58 PM
Joined: Jul 5, 2009
Points: 2
I was wondering if anyone has ever heard of Dream Easy mattresses? I came across www.beddingandmattress.ca on another post on this site, and it turns out this place is only about an hour away from me (miraculously, as I live in the middle of nowhere) . They seem to have pretty good prices, but I'm unable to scare up any info on Dream Easy, which seems to be the only manufacturer they carry. They have a website, but it's mostly broken (www.dreameasy.com). Does anyone have any info or experience with these mattresses?
Re: Dream Easy mattresses?
Reply #3 Jul 6, 2009 9:42 AM
Location: Yosemite area
Joined: Sep 10, 2008
Points: 249
I don't know anything about them, but here's what I think you should find out before putting any money out for a new mattress.  First, ask about the coils.  What gauge wire do they use(pocket coils are made of thinner wire)?  Who makes them(Leggett and Platt are well known, I think a quality spring)?  Find out about what types of foam are in the mattress, and how much of each.  The more p/u foam in the mattress(which will be any foam that is not specifically memory foam or latex), the quicker it will sag and wear out in heavier spots(and the center will stay fluffy, hence the craters where you sleep).  Where is the mattress made?  If it is made in China, I'd go elsewhere.  There are many, many, many, products including mattresses that are made in China and their quality control is much less stringent than ours is. 
So, if it had L&P springs(which you liked the feel of because you of course will try it out in the showroom), little p/u foam, and made in the USA, it might be a good buy for you.  Also, if the salesman tries to make a sale TODAY because of the excellent warranty which will take care of you if you don't like the bed....beware of warranties....they don't mean squat.  Totally up to interpretation, and the specifically exclude your sleeping comfort being a reason to return or exchange a bed.
Re: Dream Easy mattresses?
Reply #4 Jul 14, 2009 9:39 AM
Joined: Jul 14, 2009
Points: 1
Dreameasy is a division of Foamco in Toronto.  Foamco makes the foam for some of the major mattress manufactures and also Sofa manufactures. Who best to buy your mattress from. They also have their own mattress line, Dreameasy. Tiis is how they are able to offer you a quality mattress at a better price. They don't  promote their mattresses as it would be in conflict with their customer base. I don't own a Dreameasy mattress but have heard very good reviews from people who do. Go to a retailer and check them out. Gerry
Re: Dream Easy mattresses?
Reply #5 Oct 4, 2009 2:54 PM
Joined: Oct 4, 2009
Points: 1
Yes, I agree there is little information about Dream Easy for a consumer to make an intellegent purchase decision. As of today's date, the the Dream Easy website is still not developed and no information is available about the construction of their beds, warranty, etc. It seems Dream Easy is competitive to Dream Star. Both are Canadian companies. I purchased a top of line-$$$-Sealy Posterpedic, only for it to breakdown in less than 2 years. The warranty was not honoured because no visual indentation was obvious, even though we sunk inches into the centre. The Sealy mattress reduced in height by 4". Yes, 4 inches! The mattress edges collapsed. Our backs-in pain: We will never knowly purchase a Sealy product. I will be buying the Dreamstar Latex bed this week because an inquiry e-mail to their company was promptly replied to, they offer good| warranty protection and information is availble on their website. It appears, though, that both companies are comparable with both price and quality.

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