Dream Easy mattresses?
Jul 5, 2009 5:58 PM
Joined: Jul 5, 2009
Points: 2
I was wondering if anyone has ever heard of Dream Easy mattresses? I came across www.beddingandmattress.ca on another post on this site, and it turns out this place is only about an hour away from me (miraculously, as I live in the middle of nowhere) . They seem to have pretty good prices, but I'm unable to scare up any info on Dream Easy, which seems to be the only manufacturer they carry. They have a website, but it's mostly broken (www.dreameasy.com). Does anyone have any info or experience with these mattresses?
Re: Dream Easy mattresses?
Reply #5 Oct 4, 2009 2:54 PM
Joined: Oct 4, 2009
Points: 1
Yes, I agree there is little information about Dream Easy for a consumer to make an intellegent purchase decision. As of today's date, the the Dream Easy website is still not developed and no information is available about the construction of their beds, warranty, etc. It seems Dream Easy is competitive to Dream Star. Both are Canadian companies. I purchased a top of line-$$$-Sealy Posterpedic, only for it to breakdown in less than 2 years. The warranty was not honoured because no visual indentation was obvious, even though we sunk inches into the centre. The Sealy mattress reduced in height by 4". Yes, 4 inches! The mattress edges collapsed. Our backs-in pain: We will never knowly purchase a Sealy product. I will be buying the Dreamstar Latex bed this week because an inquiry e-mail to their company was promptly replied to, they offer good| warranty protection and information is availble on their website. It appears, though, that both companies are comparable with both price and quality.

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