Dunlop vs. Talalay
Sep 25, 2009 4:53 AM
Joined: Sep 16, 2009
Points: 22
I know that dunlop and talalay are two different processes for producing
latex mattresses (and other latex products). My question involves firmness.
I've read that talalay feels airier and not quite as supportive as dunlop. My
specific question is if you have two different mattresses, one made from the
dunlop process and the other from the talalay process and they are both the same ILD,
does dunlop feel or present as more supportive than talalay? I hope I'm making sense.

Thank you,

Re: Dunlop vs. Talalay
Reply #12 Oct 3, 2009 4:19 PM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
Jay: You are welcome.

It sure would be nice if more people would post back after receiving information that was helpful to them. It just seems that we get a lot of posters who come and ask questions, in many cases get some kind of helpful response, and never come back and let us know how things worked out.

Dunlop is an entirely different process from Talalay as you know. And I have never slept on a Dunlop mattress. But I was very surprised once I had slept on a Talalay mattress how firm Talalay can feel. Now I only have two sides to a California King, one side being medium, over firm, over extra firm, and the other side being firm, over extra firm, over extra firm. So both sides are definitely on the firm side. But having said that, I must say that Talalay is a much more supportive material than I had assumed, based on what I have read on this forum and from squeezing those little 3 inch foam blocks.

I was totally convinced in my own mind that I had to have some Dunlop in my mattress to get a firm enough configuration. This is most assuredly not true.

Good luck in the great "What the best mattress guessing game!"

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