Duplicating Natura Eco-Haven on the cheap...could use some help
Jun 12, 2008 11:37 AM
Joined: Jun 12, 2008
Points: 2
After weeks of research and laying on various mattresses, I have found my favorite: Natura's "Eco-Haven."

The wool top is nice and cool, and it has a soft top layer (which my wife likes) but good underlying support without being overly firm.

However, it's $3600+ depending on who I ask. Way out of my budget.

I figure that I can basically "patch together" something similar using SleepEZ and using the savings to buy a Natura wool topper.


1) Does anyone know the density of the Natura eco-haven base? Different sites have reported it's 6" of "firm" Talalay but a couple others report it as 28-32ILD which would make it medium.

2) The mattress is 6" solid latex with a 2" topper. Is this substantially different (From a feel standpoint) of 8" all together? (I.e. getting a 8500/10000 from Sleepez)

3) What's the best place to get a foundation? SleepEZ's aren't too expensive ($185 + shipping) especially compare to say, Flobeds who wants $500+ or Natura who wants $400, but I don't know if there's anywhere else to look.

Any help would be appreciated...this forum has already been indispensable in my quest to sift through all the crap the mattress industry throws at the consumer.
Re: Duplicating Natura Eco-Haven on the cheap...could use some help
Reply #3 Jun 13, 2008 10:38 AM
Joined: Jun 12, 2008
Points: 2
Thanks for the info.

I went and sat on the Eco-Haven again, and looked again at the website.

It seems there's a massive price premium just for the pedigree of materials. The Natura Crown, Infinity, and Equinox are all cheaper and equal or better in terms of specs.  I think any of those would work too.

Also the Eco-Haven does seem to be Dunlop; the 6" core is very firm, almost hard and the topper is not "rubbery" at all, more squishy.

So far I'm thinking that a SleepEZ 10,000 with soft/firm/firm or 13000 with soft/medium/firm/xfirm will fit the bill for $1000+ less.
Re: Duplicating Natura Eco-Haven on the cheap...could use some help
Reply #4 Jun 15, 2008 1:48 AM
Joined: Sep 7, 2007
Points: 476
If you go with the SleepEZ let us know how it compares with the Natura. If you liked the way the Eco Haven bed felt I'd stick with Dunlop. Talalay has a very different feel.
Re: Duplicating Natura Eco-Haven on the cheap...could use some help
Reply #5 Aug 28, 2011 7:03 AM
Joined: Aug 28, 2011
Points: 1
I also am interested in duplicating Natura's "Eco-Haven."    At a major furniture store nearby the description they had on the price sheet for the eco-haven topper stated it was #32 ILD Talalay.   The six in latex mattress didn't have an ILD listed but it sure felt a lot like a 36ILD dupont I had just tried out at another store.     I really like this mattress but refuse to pay $3800 for it.  

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