Emma Mattress with foundation - does costco sets it up?
Feb 4, 2010 11:36 AM
Joined: Jan 23, 2010
Points: 64
Does Costco delivery sets up this mattress along with putting up its foundation?

I read somewhere that foundation is very hard to set up.  I am not technically adept. 
Anyone who has this bed please reply.

Also about the mattress?
Do you use mattress pad on top of it.

This Emma mattress has PU foam - a lot of it.
And I am reading that PU foam is bad and breaks down.
So how is this Emma Mattress by sleep science a good deal like some people said?
Re: Emma Mattress with foundation - does costco sets it up?
Reply #6 Feb 24, 2010 4:45 AM
Joined: Jan 16, 2010
Points: 45
lowbacpain wrote:
In fact others have been rude to me instigated by one troll whose posts everyone should read that he is instigating people in his every post... You too by continously ignoring my one question posted a million time as to how latex bed from costco is. Read my posts, I have not been rude to anyone. Please do not try to misrepresent and say half truths and lies like the republicans. thanks.

We're not on this forum 24/7 and can't keep track of your multiple questions in nearly every thread. Learn some patience and it is common for many many posts to go ignored on forums. You're taking this personally for some reason. This is a user to user self help forum, not a customer service hotline. No one is requeired to help you, me or anyone else.
Re: Emma Mattress with foundation - does costco sets it up?
Reply #7 Feb 24, 2010 6:12 AM
Joined: Oct 8, 2009
Points: 192
Slides wrote:
We're not on this forum 24/7 and can't keep track of your multiple questions in nearly every thread. Learn some patience and it is common for many many posts to go ignored on forums. You're taking this personally for some reason. This is a user to user self help forum, not a customer service hotline. No one is requeired to help you, me or anyone else.

i thought about hiring a part time assistant at $25 an hour to watch this forum in case lowbac asked a question so i could be sure and answer it

the latex bed is comfortable, i flipped to the firmer side and it is even better, it definitely sleeps warmer than any of the foam beds i have had...i have now also ordered, again, the emma foam so i can compare

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