Euro Slats from Flobeds
Oct 13, 2008 9:45 AM
Joined: Sep 6, 2008
Points: 87
Hi All,

Does anyone have any information they can share with me about the Euro Slat from Flobeds?

I am looking at one of these to sit on a metal bed frame as I am not ready to buy a bed frame ... we will buy a house when prices settle down a little ... but I really like the functionality of them.

Re: Euro Slats from Flobeds
Reply #3 Oct 21, 2008 6:32 PM
Joined: Sep 6, 2008
Points: 87
Hi Lynn,

Thanks for the input.

Well, I guess because of the additional cost less people will tend to buy them.

I am considering the 10 " legs like you mention with the Euro Slat construction as I think it will further isolate any movement between my wife and I.

I will post my thoughts on my mattress pretty soon and would appreciate your input on it. It was actually your input that made me look into Flobeds. You seem so happy with the customer service and the product.


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