EuroSlat Foundation for LATEX bed--HOW IMPORTANT is this?
May 25, 2008 10:27 AM
Joined: May 14, 2008
Points: 15
After a recent conversation I decided to let this forum chime in on a question.  Are there any real noticeable worth-the-extra-money benefits to putting a latex bed on a "euro-slat" type foundation vs. putting it on the traditional solid boxes that come with most mattresses. I have always referred to these box supports for a mattress as box springs, though there are no springs in them.

I would appreciate any feedback...knowledgeable or experiential.


Re: EuroSlat Foundation for LATEX bed--HOW IMPORTANT is this?
Reply #2 May 28, 2008 1:48 AM
Joined: Sep 7, 2007
Points: 476
I think Lynn is correct in that Euroslats allow you to fine tune the firmness under the mattress. Some people have said it makes a difference if for instance, you need it a bit firmer or softer in one area of your body than another. Like more cushioning at the shoulder, more firmness at the hips. Other than that or pure preference alone, if you live in a humid climate and don't run the air conditioning slats will allow the latex to breathe. If you live in a dry climate where humidity and mold is not an issue, a plain old box foundation will do just fine.

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