Extra Firm Mattress Options and Latex Q's?
Jul 23, 2011 2:53 PM
Joined: Jul 23, 2011
Points: 4
In the market for a mattress and trying to understand the options.  Memory Foam and Latex were basically non-existent in the market when I last bought a mattress.  Yes, it's probably long over due for replacement.

Visited a nearby mattress store whose selection was primarily S/S/S . . . With the caveat that my back was bothering me today (occasional, but not typical) the mattress that felt best to me in the store was a Simmons World Class Corita Extra Firm with a Comfort Level Rating of 2.  

Mattresses with memory foam as the primary material are more or less out due to heat retention concerns, can't stand being too warm when I sleep.

Interested in Latex, possibly even DIY.  Is any Latex mattress going to provide a similar feel to an Extra Firm Coil Spring mattress?  Or is it going to be supportive, yet different.  The store didn't have any foam (memory or latex) mattresses that came close to the Extra Firm one.  All very soft.

Latex questions, I contacted one latex reseller on their suggestions for latex layering.  I'm a 42 year old male, 6'1", 300# (but losing), used to sleep on my front, but have switched to back or side due to using a CPAP machine with a mask.

The reseller suggested that Talalay would not last long up with my weight and that Dunlop would be a better choice.

Does the density of talalay vs dunlop really change it's ability to support a given weight if they have the same ILD rating?

Does Dunlop feel firmer than Talalay even if it has the same ILD rating?

Another plus on the DIY I like is the possibility of making each side of a King different, and the abiltiy to break the mattess down into smaller pieces when moving it.  Are there any issues with the center when building a mattress with splits bottom to top as long as it's in a good cover?  Or is at least one full layer on the top, whether it's foam or another topper?

Open to suggestions from your past experiences. 



Re: Extra Firm Mattress Options and Latex Q's?
Reply #3 Jul 24, 2011 1:09 AM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
Yes, a layer of Dunlop and a layer of Talalay is going to feel quite different even with the same ILD. The Dunlop will feel much less springy, more like sleeping on a rubber mat, though that's a bit of an exaggeration. But generally I'd say, for example, a 32 ILD Dunlop 2" layer will feel more like a 36ILD Talalay 2" layer, but not only firmer but just different, less responsive, less springy.

Some people do like Dunlop. I hated it even as a base though now I am sleeping on 2" of Dunlop with 2" of Talalay on top of that and it's okay. But frankly I think all Talalay would suit me better (on top of a spring-type base).

Really it's just a matter of preference, but I'd have to guess that the majority of people are going to prefer Talalay. It would be interesting to do a poll here and see how many people sleep on Talalay, how many on Dunlop and how many on a combination.

Re: Extra Firm Mattress Options and Latex Q's?
Reply #4 Jul 26, 2011 10:51 AM
Joined: Jul 23, 2011
Points: 4
sleepswithcats wrote:

Latex definitely feels different than sping mattress but just as supportive. But I don't think you should buy anything without first trying out some latex beds locally.

I an somewhat local to FBM and F4U (SE Michigan)

 . . . . but neither of them list anything firmer than a 36 ILD on their websites.

Any suggestions on retailers to visit in SE Michigan that would have wide range of 100% Latex mattresses?

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