extra or super firm mattresses with an ILD of 61 or 64 or more
Dec 26, 2012 8:55 AM
Joined: Dec 26, 2012
Points: 4
Hello all, This is a great forum full of information, tons and tons of information.

We are little over 50 and both having lower back pain due to a hard physical work. My hubby is 270 lbs and I am 160 lbs. We own a 6” firm poly foam core sealed with a 2” memory foam topper currently. It is too soft for both of us, especially after owning it for 2 years now. We wake up stiffed up with lots of back pain. It was a mistake for us to buy a memory foam mattress as my husband and I are used to sleep on an extra firm European style solid polyurethane mattress. The memory foam mattress we bought was the firmest bed available in our local stores. We do not have a custom mattress shop within a reasonable vicinity, but we won’t give up as we are still searching for them.

I spent many hours reading about latex mattresses and the more I read, the more I get frustrated.
We have 3” thick examples  from Savvy Rest of firm and medium Talalay and firm Dunlop latex at home already;
however they all seem to be too soft, especially the Talalay latex.

We are looking for two sided extra/super firm mattresses with an ILD of over 50 if possible. I wasn’t able to find a solid 6” extra/super firm Dunlop latex mattress without perforation holes. Dunlop Latex, Coconut husk core impregnated with latex, Independent TFK spring unit (each spring in its own spanbond pocket) or Fabric Encased Coils, and possibly another non-organic mattresses are our options for now. We would preferably want a Dunlop mattress with a coconut husk to give the latex a breathable core. Maybe something like this: http://www.vegasmattresses.com/en/products/modern/mattress_29.php     or this    http://www.vegasmattresses.com/en/products/standard/mattress_03b.php
Our friend in Europe own these already and are very satisfied with them. The problem for us is to find mattresses like these in here.

Did anyone purchase a Puri Mattress? http://www.palmpringusa.com/mattresses/puri-mattress_twin.html    or this Latex & Pocketed Coil Hybrid? http://www.sleepez.com/catalog/product_info.php/products_id/27/osCsid/m5s41mmhmehe1nfr952232rtb4

Or maybe some of the extra firm non-organic latex? http://www.foamorder.com/conventional.php?fhd=DcrJEYAgDADAN1QDHoDVMCFEZfAaEh9ave57yyHUdsoF2hN3EGnEHC9YSFnNd4pXO%2FONotJ2YmXN5SXltawF6%2FFXFfTsDMDo7ewsjgRuChlNGqyZOg89dh8%3D#v54

I did contact some companies already and have a list of another to contact. We had no luck finding one so far. It is also hard to make a selection based solely on a web search w/o personal store visits.

Thank you so much in advance and happy Holidays


Re: extra or super firm mattresses with an ILD of 61 or 64 or more
Reply #4 Dec 29, 2012 9:24 AM
Joined: Dec 26, 2012
Points: 4
Please don’t be sorry isleomaniac. We are open to any suggestion that will solve our problem, thank you.

We are deciding of what to do based on available material. We don’t mind to put a mattress together, which I think, we will end up making due to an unavailability of extra/super firm Dunlop foam. They are common in Europe; however nobody seems to sell them in here. It would be also easier to buy a 3” latex replacement foam, after not liking it anymore, than buying another expensive mattress. This is also a reason why we were potentially ready to spend big bugs on a PalmSpring Dunlop Latex mattress with a Coconut Husk core. Our mattress is 8” high and we would like the new one to be 7 to 9” high.

We already have a king size zippered velour cover. The bottom of it is rubbery material with perforations. This made our current polyurethane foam to mold on the bottom on my hubby’side. We discovered it while taking the velour cover off. He must be sweating while sleeping. We have plywood on the base to harden up the support for most of the time owning the poly mattress. I believe the plywood created the mildew problem while the poly foam could not “breathe” anymore. So we are looking for a new outside cover as well while we do not like the rubbery material on the bottom.

Yes I am looking online while we found only one local store selling Pure Latex Bliss mattresses and tested it to see what the different ILD’s feel like. However, Pure Latex Bliss makes only Talalay Latex matresses. The hard Talalay is too soft for us. We live in an area that is hesitant to changes. We are frustrated many times trying to find better and new items in our local stores. Items that we see on the TV or on the Internet, and also hearing about them from our over-the-sea friends. Therefore we reach out to the internet while shopping again and again.

The Foamorder.com seems to be the only store online selling Dunlop latex foams with an ILD of 45. The customer service told me that N45 is 45 ILD and N36 is 36 ILD and so on.

isleomaniac , did you purchase the Natural Sense Solid Block without any covers, or did you purchase the Natural Sense mattress with an inner cotton cover and outer velour cover? The second seems to be only $150 more. Where won’t be able to use the rubber mat because of my hubby. I like your idea though, it must provide good non-slipery hard and in the same time flexible base. Hard campers pad – I am sorry, I am not familiar with these. Checking it online, they must be inflated, correct? How do you keep the pad in the same hardiness? Or do you have some solid campers pad?
Re: extra or super firm mattresses with an ILD of 61 or 64 or more
Reply #5 Dec 30, 2012 3:39 AM
Joined: Dec 26, 2012
Points: 4
So I spent more hours researching how to make a very hard mattress base. I can’t find any other choices out there. I checked on many web sites, that Dunlop Latex should be mildew resistant. We could put a rubber mat under the mattress as you isleomaniac. Thank you for the tips.

Where did you get the hard gym mat? I tried to find it on the web w/o success of finding 38x80 inch large solid piece. Does it smell when new? Please, what is the Hard campers pad?


We compared the hardiness of the Hard Dunlop Latex example from the SavvyRest with our green poly foam purchased at the Jo-Ann Fabric. The poly foam is definitely harder than the Hard Dunlop example. My hubby swears this covered green poly foam is the best thing to relieve his back pain (all his lumbar disks are bulged and herniated). The green poly foam mimics the beds in Europe we used to sleep on years back. We decided to make our bed in a similar manner.


So far only PalmSpring company, that uses coconut husk, can sell already made mattress that would be good for us. However, they are expensive for our budget. There is additional $289 shipping to our state involved. The Office Manager is very professional and answered all my questions. They are willing to mix the Latex within their specific mattress models and/or add another layer to it to achieve desired mattress height.

Re: extra or super firm mattresses with an ILD of 61 or 64 or more
Reply #6 Dec 31, 2012 5:41 AM
Joined: Jun 24, 2012
Points: 10
Lets see, gym mat.  The place I used to work had a gym with a weight room, so probably look at a sports store that has weight lifting stuff?  I just experimented with stuff I collected.  The campers pad thickness helped to bring my mattress up to the level I needed as well as being firm but with some give to it.  Probably a store that sells tents and caters to campers like EMS etc?  At one time I searched online for gym mats looking for different thicknesses and hardnesses but did not come up with much. 

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