Featherbed Topper
Nov 26, 2011 2:24 AM
Joined: Nov 26, 2011
Points: 2
I have a W hotel featherbead topper and have had it for about 4 years.  I love it.  But I have 2 valleys where my wife and I sleep.  I have tried to sleep on the hump or on the sides to even it out - doesnt work.  I have tried to shake it to get it to even out - doesnt work.  Any suggestions?


If not, anyone suggest a good featherbed topper at a reasonable price?

Re: Featherbed Topper
Reply #6 Jan 6, 2012 7:25 PM
Joined: Dec 17, 2009
Points: 850
Featherbeds are not really horribly expensive.  Downbeds/toppers on the other hand.....

You just want to make sure the featherbed is filled with body feathers and not flight feathers.  Body feathers are the short and curlies, they have a little bit of loft to them, without the really harsh and long quills of the straight flight feathers.

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