A few more questions about latex. Thickness differences & Euro slats?
Mar 20, 2010 11:47 AM
Joined: Mar 14, 2010
Points: 185
Thanks to all the helpful people here I'm learnijng a lot about latex beds. I have a few more questions before I decide.

One concerns foundations. I've learned here about Euro slats. It seems like a flexible option for me, comfort wise, and I can add legs now and put it on a frame or platform later if I choose to. Flobeds sells one and I'm leaning toward that. I've read on this forum that a thinner mattress is preferred for use with these. But how thin, does anyone know? 

My second question, I see that some companies offer a 6" thick latex in addition to or instead of multiple 3" layers. Beyond the doubling in weight for one piece and the flexibilty to custom make the bed (ease of shipping, moveability, etc...), what is the difference between, say,  one 6" firm and two 3" firms?

This message was modified Mar 20, 2010 by cynicaljones
Re: A few more questions about latex. Thickness differences & Euro slats?
Reply #11 Mar 24, 2010 11:49 PM
Joined: Mar 14, 2010
Points: 185
Thank you, budgy. That's the way I was leaning, so I'm glad I was on the right track.
Re: A few more questions about latex. Thickness differences & Euro slats?
Reply #12 Mar 25, 2010 3:57 PM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
cynicaljones wrote:

Thanks for your help, budgy. Dp you have an opinion regarding which is better: The Euro slats and a less foam or regular slats & more foam? I really, really only want to buy this bed once and the more I read the more confused I become.

I have been researching this for over a year now, so how confused can I be now?  Even more, surprise

What is really perplexing is why some people love their latex, and others can't stand it.  The other factor after using blended talalay (pretty sure anyway) is it is now softer than it use to be.  Some pieces are over 1 year old, others are several months old.  So I hit bottom on my spring mattress, and that is with 5" of latex!  So I am confused frown

This subject has been talked about before, but does the natural latex break down and get softer?  I can't be imaging my latex breaking down can I?  Though I have never been able to side sleep for longer than 2 hours without waking in pain.  I am afraid to take the plunge of buying an all latex mattress if I can't get this too work.  But contributing factor is my O-stock latex did not list ILD.  So I have for sure a Brylane topper that is blended talalay of proably 20ILD, not listed of course.  A marked 24ILD of blended talalay.  The rest is unidentifiable, other than my judgment of it being firmer than 32 but that is all I can guess.