Fibromyalgis sufferers or others with chronic pain - has a mattress reduced your pain?
Oct 19, 2009 10:30 AM
Joined: Oct 19, 2009
Points: 7
Hi - I have fibromyalgia and am strongly considering purchasing a latex mattress in the hopes that I will get more comfortable rest. But before proceeding with what is, for me, an expensive purchase, I was curious to hear from others who have chronic pain. Did your new mattress help you? Did it make things worse? Stay the same? I'd love to know what mattresses chronic pain sufferers think help the most (And if you wouldn't mind sharing, height, weight, and sleep position, that would be amazing).

I haven't found a thread about this on the board - but if I'm missing something, I'd appreciate someone pointing me in the right direction.

Much thanks!


Re: Fibromyalgis sufferers or others with chronic pain - has a mattress reduced your pain?
Reply #7 Oct 31, 2009 11:01 AM
Joined: Aug 28, 2009
Points: 53

Good luck with finding the right combo for you. I deal with sever pain/health issues, so I know the challenge, and can relate to what you said re: the relationship between sleep and pain (which seems to go both ways, at least for me, and the worst is terrible pain and no sleep at all!)

I've mentioned in other threads what I seem to need--soft on top but very supportive underneath (current set-up is soft, medium X-firm natural talalay). Not that it's a "magic bullet"; I still have lots of pain, however, I"m not waking up every 5 minutes from it. And I'm sleeping better.
Re: Fibromyalgis sufferers or others with chronic pain - has a mattress reduced your pain?
Reply #8 Oct 31, 2009 7:23 PM
Joined: Sep 7, 2009
Points: 22
cardamoms wrote:
mattressnewbie, thanks for asking. i've tried lots of things (biofeedback, network therapy, etc), but i haven't done acupuncture. i'm thinking of trying it though, so thanks for the extra push!!!

Hi Maria!

You're very welcome! I hope you're able to find something that works for you! Keep us posted!


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