Flo Beds Convoluted Latex Topper Work for Pressure Point Relief?
Feb 27, 2010 2:50 AM
Location: NC
Joined: Feb 21, 2008
Points: 72
I have layered together a latex mattress (firm dunlop core, 3 layers of 1" latex, the last two being 24 and 22 Talalay ILD. But...my husband and I both toss and turn with pressure point pain in the hips starting half way through the night although everything else about the mattress is comfortable. We're considering ordering a Flo-beds convoluted latex topper to see if it provides enough cushion so we don't wake up sore, which they said they would sell separately. Hate to spend the money and go to the trouble of sending it back if it really won't change things for us. Has anyone who has used it noticed a difference? Any before and after stories? All comments welcome...Thanks.
This message was modified Feb 27, 2010 by Sabra
Re: Flo Beds Convoluted Latex Topper Work for Pressure Point Relief?
Reply #9 Mar 1, 2010 5:09 AM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
TJ12 wrote:
I agree Sandman...what  I meant to say by softer top, is that until I really firmed up the bottom by putting in the XF base and firm middle, the softer top was really soft.  It needed a very firm foundation to feel better.  TJ

I would assume that with the firm dunlop base, the base level should be pretty firm and supportive.   I think we really need more details on what type of latex is on top, who made it,  what is that third inch, what is the dunlop base (who made, how thick, how firm), is there anything else on top of the latex?

In thinking about this more, Sabra may be bottoming out on the firm dunlop base, especially if that third inch is not very firm, and if the latex on top is not the highest quality (and therefore lower density).  There may not be enough transition between fairly firm dunlop and the softer comfort level on top. 

I have not used dunlop, but from what I have heard it can be very firm.  So, firm in that might feel even firmer than the XF blended talalay I used in the Flobed.  

TJ, what do you have on top of your XF & F base levels?

Re: Flo Beds Convoluted Latex Topper Work for Pressure Point Relief?
Reply #10 Mar 1, 2010 4:55 PM
Joined: Dec 29, 2009
Points: 57
I now have the FloBed Firm VZone (which is not all firm)...which I softened in a few spots that were too firm (I.E. it was XF under the knees, I have firm now..might even go softer).   But even when I had the medium on top, I found it worked better once I put the XF on the bottom.

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