FOAM Bed Design
Jul 12, 2009 6:15 AM
Joined: Jul 12, 2009
Points: 4
   This is a great forum.  I started looking for a bed recently for myself.  5'11" and 220#.  Almost bought a S&F Pillow top till I found this place looking for reviews.  Very eye opening, thanx for everybody's contributions!  Great read.  I went down and tested out the Pransleep Latex yesterday and really liked one of the "Firmer" models.  They were a might pricey of course!  So this last week or so I've been coming up with ideas and here's what I decided on and wanted a little feedback.

1) 6" Firm Core
2) 3" Medium Topper
3) Diamond quilted pillow top case as seen low down on this page (has 1" Soft Latex in Pillowtop)

4) Queen TempurPedic 9" Foundation( Scored for $100 in New Cond on Craigslist, SCORE!)

The Pillowtop case is nice and has about 1" of soft Latex in it.

What are your impressions of this setup?
Re: FOAM Bed Design
Reply #3 Jul 20, 2009 6:36 PM
Joined: Nov 4, 2008
Points: 223
I think it sounds like a good set-up, though i'm certainly not an expert like a lot of the people on this forum! I think it's smart to get some separate layers on top so that you can switch them in and out...Let us know how it works out!
Re: FOAM Bed Design
Reply #4 Jul 21, 2009 4:04 PM
Joined: Nov 19, 2008
Points: 53
Les, I also think it sounds like a good set up. I have a 6" firm core and 3" soft topper from FBM and I am very pleased with the purchase. Most folks on this board are leery about such a thick soft topper, but it's worked out very well for me as it's on a platform bed with a solid base. Your decision to get thinner layers is wise because it gives you the opportunity to shift layers around or make substitutions and the thinner layers are easier to maneuver. I considered getting the Diamond pillow top because it looked like a "real" mattress cover, but then I decided that I didn't need another layer of soft latex and it was also more expensive than the upgraded cover from FBM. Instead, I ordered the Cuddle bed mattress cover from Costco which has a pillow top and it is very comfortable as well as inexpensive.  You may want to consider getting one before spending a couple hundred $$ for the Diamond quilted case.  Whatever you decide, let us know how it works out. Good luck!


Re: FOAM Bed Design
Reply #5 Jul 27, 2009 4:13 PM
Joined: Jul 12, 2009
Points: 4
Thanx for all the input!  This looks like a real interesting project!


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