foundation for latex mattress
Feb 2, 2009 12:38 PM
Joined: Dec 8, 2008
Points: 11
I posted earlier that we bought a latex mattress (6 in core and 2 in topper) from FBM. We tried using plywood over our boxspring, but it still bounces some, esp when we get in bed. So, I'm looking at a slatted foundation. It looks like the Coverest{78EVERESTC5B21D-E2A7-4B8F-9498-0FBD56F47484}&ic=F1-46&eq=&Tp=
and the ortho mattress at Sleep EZ are the same.

There's also a smartbox foundation at palmetto: for about 1/2 the price.


Re: foundation for latex mattress
Reply #5 Feb 9, 2009 1:46 PM
Joined: Dec 8, 2008
Points: 11
I went back through old posts and found someone who did what I did-the 6 in core from FBM -and put it on an IKEA slatted base. They used the Sultan Lillaker. There's also an IKEA Sultan Laxeby, which offers more flexible zoned slats.
I'm waiting on a PM, hopefully, about what jiffy524 thinks.
Re: foundation for latex mattress
Reply #6 Feb 12, 2009 7:14 PM
Joined: Feb 3, 2009
Points: 8
I just bought the smartbox foundation from palmetto for $150.  It does look like the photo linked to above, except I think my cloth cover is a different color.  I have not put the cover on yet, so it is just a wooden rectangular frame with a wooden rail bisecting it lenghtwise and 7 slats running crosswise, widely spaced.  I got it in E.King size so it came as two separate twin XL boxes that sit next to eachother.  I figure I'll fasten them together with plastic cable ties.

All of the wooden pieces are hinged and fold up into a relatively small box 3 or 4 feet tall.  The wood smells nice.  There were some exposed nail heads which I banged in with a screwdriver and hammer so they wouldn't scratch the wood floor or catch on cloth.

I thought I was getting a bargain at $150 for a king foundation, but it turns out it is not usable (for a latex mattress) as it comes.  I will either have to add lots more slats, or just go a head and cover each of the two foundations in plywood.  I have decided to do the latter.  This will cost about $60 in birch plywood from Home Depot, so now my cost is up to $210 plus my labor, which doesn't sound to be as good a deal.  It will be quite sturdy, however.

Re: foundation for latex mattress
Reply #7 Feb 13, 2009 3:01 AM
Joined: Nov 19, 2008
Points: 53
Another alternative would be to buy a set of closely spaced slats to put on top of the foundation before covering it. Ikea sells slats separate from their foundations. 

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