Futon mattress recommendations?
Oct 2, 2010 1:20 PM
Joined: Sep 6, 2010
Points: 12
I need a full-size mattress and have been looking at the Serta Juniper Perfect Sleeper Innerspring (9.5 lb. layer of 80% cotton/20% poly blend, 1 3/4" eggcrate foam, 462 coil Perfect Sleeper innerspring unit), but would be grateful if people chimed in with recommendations for comfy futon mattresses they've owned and loved.  


Re: Futon mattress recommendations?
Reply #3 Oct 5, 2010 6:36 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
I have a futon that is cotton-batting filled and actually it's quite comfortable at times.

I've never slept on it for more than one night at a time but sometimes when I wake up with a sore back, I go in and lay down on the futon and it is somehow a little better for my back at those times. I doubt it would be good for full time sleeping but it's good as a couch and using it to pull out for friends to sleep on for a night or two.

Re: Futon mattress recommendations?
Reply #4 Oct 28, 2010 12:06 AM
Joined: Sep 6, 2010
Points: 12
Following much deliberation, I decided to go with the Otis Bed Luxury futon mattress.  It's an excellent combination of softness and support (for normal people), like sinking into a firm marshmallow.  It's still a tad too firm for me, as anything that doesn't feel cloud-like causes pain.  If I find a memory foam topper for my bed that feels cloud-like, I'll probably just get another one for the futon.  

Two thumbs up for the Otis Luxury!

Re: Futon mattress recommendations?
Reply #5 Oct 28, 2010 7:08 AM
Joined: Oct 13, 2009
Points: 156
We have an Otis futon mattress in our guest room, and although I have never slept on it we get lots of compliments from those who have slept there.  I think it's mostly PU foam but it has held up well with limited use. If too firm, I'd try putting 1-2 inches of memory foam on top.   You might check out Overstock.com for Sensus 5 lbs or Memcool 4 lb in various thicknesses.   I've been happy with  my 1 inch Sensus (though it is cut a bit undersize).

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