Got my foam layers from SleepEZ
Jan 27, 2010 4:52 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
I got my foam today. Haven't tried laying on it yet.

Took some photos which I will post tomorrow probably in this thread.

Not entirely thrilled with the firmness and quality of the latex. One of the pieces has a fair amount of imperfections and the other piece has a glued seam all along the vertical length of the twin, about 2 and 1/4" in from the edge. It's a very hard seam from the glue and I think if I were to lay on it I would feel it, even under, say, a wool topper. If it were a King size I could understand the need for a glued seam, but a twin? Seems a bit sketchy to me.

Also, this following problem is not at all SleepEZ's fault, unless what they are selling as a 32ILD is nowhere near that, but I already had a piece of  3/4"-1" latex that I estimated to be about a 24ILD. So I ordered a medium Talalay 1" thinking it would be better for support. But the one I got from SleepEZ seems to be just as soft as the one I have already; so either I estimated wrong (most likely) or they sent me something on the very low end of "Medium" (listed at their site as 32). So I would not have bought that piece had I known it was going to be pretty much exactly like the piece (actually I have 2 like this) that I already have. This is the piece with the seam as well.

The Dunlop piece seems a LITTLE more firm than that and is 1.5" so it may work for me. Also it is exactly 1 and 3/4 inches thick not 1½, so that is good in my case, I think. However, I do think they should be more exact on their site about the thickness. Could be that someone really wants exactly 1½ inch, not 1 and 3/4 inch... I mean, why not describe it on the site as it is?

I'll try sleeping on the Dunlop 1 and 3/4" natural "Medium" ILD tonight and see how it feels and report back with a "first night's impression" tomorrow probably. Also I'll post the photos of the imperfections and get you guys' and girls' opinions on whether or not it is within the realm of acceptable or not considering these are not discounted prices.

And just fyi, this is the first latex I ever bought that did not come compressed. It was just rolled and covered in plastic in a big box. Maybe they only compress the bigger pieces...?
This message was modified Jan 27, 2010 by jimsocal
Re: Got my foam layers from SleepEZ
Reply #3 Jan 28, 2010 10:47 AM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
The 2" strip they glued on does not even look like the same type of latex.  That is bizarre.  I think your experience confirms that dunlop feels "firmer" than tallay for the same ILD.  You can make a case for a return, but if they end up sleeping okay who cares what they look like.  Not sure if that is what dunlop should look like.

So, you havent' tried the talalay to see how it feels?    Maybe put the talalay over the dunlop and your softer piece (or memory foam) over that.  I had a feeling that you would need more than 2" of foam.

Re: Got my foam layers from SleepEZ
Reply #4 Jan 28, 2010 11:04 AM
Joined: Dec 17, 2009
Points: 850
well.. that dunlop piece does seem quite riddled with imperfections, but they all seem to be relatively small.  I think its normal to get a little bit here or there, but that is a fair bit. 

The seam on the talalay piece does seem poorly done.  I have almost completely gotten out of bonded latex pieces altogether.  All of the queen and king size pieces I deal with now are no longer split down the middle, they are solid cores.  There are some mattresses that are available to me that would use this, but in the past when I carried them they atleast used latex of the same basic structure or pattern of holes. 
Re: Got my foam layers from SleepEZ
Reply #5 Jan 28, 2010 11:39 AM
Joined: Jan 19, 2010
Points: 12
I would not even consider keeping those layers.  I'd be really angry....Id make a phone call to Sleepez and return.

I am still in the process of finding a company to purchase a topper...Sleepez on was on my list...but I dont think so now.

They told me I could return if I paid for returning is an option....right?

I asked them to send samples last week.....and I have received nothing yet.
Re: Got my foam layers from SleepEZ
Reply #6 Jan 28, 2010 11:53 AM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
You don't use much layers do you?  I think not even 2"?  I am not sure.  I would put something firmer over the coils if it were me.  IMHO.

My o-stock layers had about those imperfections, so does FBM.  Some layers looked better than others.  Not sure but I don't believe those would affect the feeling of the latex.

So are you saying the 32ILD is softer like 24ILD?  Are the both Dunlop? Is one side denser than the other side?  Which one is the natural talalay (if did get one).

"Could be that someone really wants exactly 1½ inch, not 1 and 3/4 inch... I mean, why not describe it on the site as it is?"  I agree!

I personally don't like seams, that is why I ordered twin size, because some comments said they had seams on the queen or king size.  It was hit and miss for those sizes.  Latex International toppers sold at Sleeplikeabear said they charge you more for "No seams" on the queen or kingsize.  LI makes both, different areas of the country has the molds so I don't really get the reason for this.
Re: Got my foam layers from SleepEZ
Reply #7 Jan 28, 2010 12:48 PM
Location: Mequon, WI
Joined: Aug 30, 2007
Points: 363
Smoother texture comes from contact with the face of the mold.  Let's say their mold is 6" thick.  If you slice a 6" slab in to (3) 2" toppers you will get (2) toppers with one smooth face and one rough face, and (1) topper with two rough faces.

The seam was careless and unnecessary for a twin size topper, in my opinion.

The other imperfections seem fairly common, unless you buy latex made by Latex International.

In my opinion it is worth paying for Latex International latex.  However if you want dunlop, then I'm not sure what manufacturer is best.

I have purchased 8 pieces of latex in my life.
Re: Got my foam layers from SleepEZ
Reply #8 Jan 28, 2010 1:22 PM
Joined: Dec 17, 2009
Points: 850
im pretty sure that Talalay piece was made by latex international, the thing is that they are not going to do any of the bonding, that depends on who you buy it from in the end. 
Re: Got my foam layers from SleepEZ
Reply #9 Jan 28, 2010 1:24 PM
Joined: Jul 14, 2008
Points: 64

You had every right to expect a better quality product.  You should complain to Sean (?) at Sleepez. 

If you explain to him about your posts on this site and the number of people who might have been considering Sleepez, but will now probably spend their money elsewhere, I'm sure the businessman in him will realize  that he should make you "happy" so that you will tell everyone what a great guy he is. 

As to your sleeping problem, I hope the additional talalay layer will soften up your bed enough to really solve your problem. 


Re: Got my foam layers from SleepEZ
Reply #10 Jan 28, 2010 1:42 PM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
Jim. I agree with Philip! Those look like blemished pieces to me, or seconds, depending on the terminology you care to use to describe latex that is not first-class. This is something that I would expect from one of the foam by mail or one of those companies to send to you.

You really need to tell Sean at SleepEZ about your reporting at "what's the best" and that if you're not satisfied with his response to your complaint that it most assuredly is going to get posted here. The money that they will lose from your post will be far greater than anything they might lose by taking it back and giving you a credit. I believe I would check with foam sweet foam, they seem to be a first-class operation and sell individual pieces, at least that is my understanding.

I know how much you want to try out Dunlop latex as opposed to Talalay. And I don't blame you, I believe I would want to do the same thing. But my experience with Talalay has been quite enjoyable. I would not be afraid to purchase all Talalay pieces if that's what I had to do to get a first-class piece of latex.
Re: Got my foam layers from SleepEZ
Reply #11 Jan 28, 2010 8:21 PM
Joined: Jan 29, 2010
Points: 2
HI Jim,

I was considering ordering from sleepez myself and have actually spoken with shawn a couple of times.  Looking at the latex you received, I would be very disappointed.  In fact I would be on the phone looking for a refund. 

Suffice it to say that I am "removing" sleepez from my list.  I would definately call and let them know of the quality (of lack thereof) you received.  I read in a few threads that foam sweet foam has a good product and fair pricing, and they are within driving distance from me so my wife and I may see them this weekend.  If we do make a purchase, I will post a follow-up to let you know of my experience. 

I was also considering savvyrest, and may still try their offerings, but their pricing seems a bit high (I assume if it is because they have a network of dealers). 

Re: Got my foam layers from SleepEZ
Reply #12 Jan 28, 2010 8:25 PM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486
I'm not seeing the pictures . . . where are they?

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