Has anyone have any experience with Ditex mattress
We just got back home from vacation. The mattress that we slept on in our condo was a Ditex, which was very comfortable. Since we are looking for a new mattress (ours is 18 years old) Ditex is on our list. None of our family or friends have heard of this company. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. |
Re: Has anyone have any experience with Ditex mattress
Just visited their website. They are very short on information, can't really determine much of anything about their mattresses from their site. That would make me leery. |
Re: Has anyone have any experience with Ditex mattress
It's not so much that the website is short on information, it's the fact that it's so comically bad. Here, check out some tips from the Care and Maintenance page: - To enhanced durability of your new DITEX mattress, you must... d.- Getting it wet or humid. e.- Jump on the mattress. - Never fold your Ditex mattress. - Body impressions are common characteristics of high and quality bedding...therefore body impressions about 1” to 2.5” at resting spots, are...normal indicator of your mattress engineered performance. Your Ditex mattress actually improves with use! The whole thing actually looks like a classic Chinese-to-English translation using Google Translate. I'll bet the products aren't really any worse than any "S" brand mattress as far as comfort and durability go. But I'd have to wonder if this place is using sketchy imported raw materials from China, and whether they meet code for banned substances, fire resistance etc. Edit - According to this history page the founder was actually Ecuadorian. Hey, maybe it's just some small company with no budget for a web designer making half decent mattresses, what do I know? But the website is still amusing. This message was modified Sep 1, 2010 by InsoManiac
Re: Has anyone have any experience with Ditex mattress
The only information I could find was ditex's website also. I called customer service to find retailers in the Philadelphia area, only to find out that they are sold in a few low end furniture stores. As I said earlier our mattress is 18 years old, good for scotch, not a mattress. After looking last year and not finding anything worth buying, other than a Shiftman and not wanting to take a second mortage out we gave up looking. I really enjoyed sleeping in the Ditex at our condo, and would like to purchase one. How could I get more information about their products? |
Re: Has anyone have any experience with Ditex mattress
I recently puchased their mattress so far so good. I visited their website after purchasing the mattress. If you actually read about the company you find out they are south american that's probably why they have such rough english on the site. The mattress I purchased was a passion gold and it's great. |