Has anyone purchased any of the Costco Memory Foam Matresses?
Jan 9, 2010 5:39 PM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486
Ok, I need to get serious about looking for a mattress for my daughter, but I kind of blew the budget on the $2200 latex mattress for us. . . I dithered and missed the latex bed sale at Costco, and now I'm staring at all the memory foam options they offer.  These seem to be a little less expensive than the Tempurpedic, but do they hold up?

Has anyone bought or had experience with Costco's memory foam mattresses, and did/do you like them?

I feel like I'm starting at square one again, not really able to afford another latex mattress.

Re: Has anyone purchased any of the Costco Memory Foam Matresses?
Reply #2 Jan 14, 2010 1:34 PM
Joined: Oct 8, 2009
Points: 192
KimberlyH wrote:
Ok, I need to get serious about looking for a mattress for my daughter, but I kind of blew the budget on the $2200 latex mattress for us. . . I dithered and missed the latex bed sale at Costco, and now I'm staring at all the memory foam options they offer.  These seem to be a little less expensive than the Tempurpedic, but do they hold up?

Has anyone bought or had experience with Costco's memory foam mattresses, and did/do you like them?

I feel like I'm starting at square one again, not really able to afford another latex mattress.


Opposite experience of Becky, I had the Emma or 10 inch Sleep Science memory foam and loved it...but per my posts i have a client who sells temp so i tried one of theirs next...

anyway, the sleep science 10 inch that was called emma, not sure if it is called that now was the one and it didnt sleep hot at all to me...

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