Help With Latex Foundation
Sep 6, 2009 8:07 PM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
I need help making a decision about a foundation for a latex mattress. I currently have a waterbed with the standard waterbed foundation. That is to say, one that has a solid top piece over the slats. This of course would restrict air circulation as opposed to a normally slatted foundation for a latex mattress with the traditional 2 inch gap between slats.

I am getting conflicting advice. This advice has come principally from people who are supposed to know what they’re talking about. Some say that my foundation will be just fine. Others say, no!, you need a slatted foundation in order to get the proper amount of ventilation so that you don’t get mildew or other ill effects transmitted to your latex mattress. There are some others who say that it doesn’t matter all that much, maybe it will be a problem, and maybe it won’t.

What I would like to hear is something from those who have actually had experience with latex mattresses, and can share that experience with those of us who are ignorant of the possibilities.
Re: Help With Latex Foundation
Reply #5 Sep 7, 2009 6:32 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2009
Points: 69
In regards to warranty, the simplest way to look at it is the manufacturers say "Our foundation or no foundation". Basically they don't want you to use old foundations. No major brand out there voids your warranty for using a platform system.

For the foundation question I'd ask what the sides of your bed look like, Eagle. Do they come up all the way (or even more than half) over the walling of your latex mattress? Is the mattress recessed into the bed structure like a waterbed would be? (covered on all sides but the top) If this is the case I'd say yes, you need to give the poor bed room to breathe. If you had a more traditional platform design where the walls don't come up all the way to the lip of the bed I'd say don't worry about it. Beds breath out their sides anyway.

Re: Help With Latex Foundation
Reply #6 Sep 7, 2009 9:34 AM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
Bear: Thanks for your responding. I believe I am going to take your advice and "take a wait and see attitude."

Alex: I have a softsided waterbed. So the latex will sit on top of the box's. Your "it will breath out the sides" idea was what the sales guy at Sleep EZ told me as well.

So I thank all those board members who were kind enough to post back, I give you all a big "Thank You" for your advice.

Have a happy Labor Day!!

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