For now I'd like to know that no one has ever seen a good standard foundation hurt an all latex mattress / base core layer, Thanks! My 1 day old SleepEZ 10000 twin XL is sitting on a Serta StabL base (the foundation they use with most mattresses including the PU core latex Wangs). I could put temporary slats across the box spring. SleepEZ site and Shawn said a regular 'box spring'? foundation in good condition can be used with the latex. Habitat Furn says that also. I know the 'hot' setup with Savvy Rest, Flobeds, Habitat Furnishings, SleepEZ, FSF and more all recommend platform foundations with slats. Still, I'm trippin though. Was at Sleep Train. The gal there says all foam mattresses should go on solid board foundations (like Tempurpedic). I think she's off though, because Tempurpedics have side ventiation whereas latex ventilates down through the pincore holes. Anyhoo, I wanna get a proper foundation after I say, yes, this latex mattress is a keeper. This message was modified Aug 12, 2011 by slpngoc