How do FBM's soft and medium latex toppers differ?
Sep 24, 2009 7:02 PM
Joined: Nov 4, 2008
Points: 223
I just got another soft latex topper (i have one on already, on top of pu foam), and i think it might be too soft with both toppers. Was thinking another 1" would just increase the durability, and not make it that much softer...

Now i'm wondering if i should have gotten their medium topper (to go under the soft one)? Does anyone have one of these? How does it feel?

Thank you!

(Otherwise i am very happy with my setup!)
Re: How do FBM's soft and medium latex toppers differ?
Reply #11 Oct 6, 2009 11:44 AM
Joined: Nov 4, 2008
Points: 223
Hi Vaphils,
thanks for the update! yeah, i've experimented a LOT (switched stuff maybe 30 times??) with layers, and often find that a layer underneath works but not on top...Glad you found something that works for the moment. I wish i had some medium latex around, but i can't afford to buy more so i'll settle for the set up i have now. There are some soft eggcrate layers that probably won't last too long, but that's ok. I find that i prefer a firmer bed, which surprised me--i'm not sure if i really prefer a firmer bed, or if, when i feel the bed 'give', i'm worried it's the foam starting to lose it's support!! ;)

I, too, found the latex hot, but that was for a few days during the warmer months, and when i had 2" of latex on top--i sunk into it too much, which heated my body up too much (i think). Perhaps that's why i like the firmer bed, too. But today my wool topper arrives! yes, i finally gave in and ordered one from and Wifecat said they really liked theirs, and that it really regulated temperature, so i thought i might be a good thing to have in the warmer months and if i change the set up again.

I'll post on how i like the wool, once i sleep on it. Keep us updated on your set up! Thanks.

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