How do i tell what quality of the Polyurethane foam is in a new bed?
Aug 28, 2011 7:08 PM
Joined: Aug 24, 2011
Points: 32
I am thinking of buying an Aireloom Hybrid for $3000.00  and want to know how i can find out if the poly foam in the pillow top is high quality or not.  Does anyone know how i can find out?  Sales people and Aireloom staff are not helpful.

I have verified that the latex (54%) is very high quality and there is only a tiny bit of memory foam (5%) so i just need to find out how good the poly foam is.... 

thanks to all.....    

Re: How do i tell what quality of the Polyurethane foam is in a new bed?
Reply #2 Aug 29, 2011 9:12 AM
Joined: Dec 17, 2009
Points: 850
If you ask those that have been on this forum for a long time, the words high quality used in conjunction with polyurethane foam is almost always an oxymoron.  Polyfoam was never used in mattresses because it was 'better' than any other's used because its cheaper.
This message was modified Aug 29, 2011 by budgy

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