How does your latex mattress smell?
I thought I would make a thread on this subject as it keeps coming up in so many of the posts. I just purchased a California King, all botanically grown, Talalay processed latex mattress. I have been sleeping on it now for 10 days. The only odor that I am noticing is a very mild sweet smell. It's rather pleasant actually, and I rather enjoy it. It has been diminishing considerably over the last several days and soon it will probably be all gone. I think I'm going to miss it, just a little bit. From everything I have been able to read on the subject, this seems to be one of the side advantages to botanically grown 100% natural Talalay, as opposed to a petrochemical-based products. This bed was sold by FloBeds, and the latex material was manufactured by Latex International. This message was modified Oct 8, 2009 by eagle2
Re: How does your latex mattress smell?