How long will a mattress last?
Oct 30, 2014 2:13 PM
Joined: Oct 30, 2014
Points: 2
How long will a regular spring mattress last?
Re: How long will a mattress last?
Reply #4 Sep 21, 2015 1:44 AM
Joined: Sep 17, 2015
Points: 4
Can depend on a lot. This is not only the quality, but how you care for it too. With simple care tips (which can be found online) a mattress should see you through around 8 years.
Re: How long will a mattress last?
Reply #5 Oct 15, 2015 2:11 AM
Location: United States
Joined: Oct 6, 2015
Points: 8
Though many mattress companies promise a good 15-20 years warranty it is always best to switch your mattress every 8 years no matter how long you take care of it. If you are vigilant, you can check that too old mattress can disrupt your sleep patterns that can affect your sex life, memory, quality of sleep and many more. I have reviewed a lot of mattress and I know from experience that it is a wise decision to retire your bed every 8 years.

PS: Once you have made up your mind to switch to a new mattress make sure to change the box springs as well as the structure of springs also tend to wear off due to continuous use.

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