How Much Is a Good Night's Sleep Worth?
Dec 20, 2011 11:55 AM
Joined: Jun 18, 2011
Points: 42
I started leafing through the topics posted on the forum and couldn't help noticing the same themes that keep recuring.  One of the most persistent themes has to do with the lack of comfort in mattresses already purchased and the other major theme is asking for recommendations.  So I started wondering how much is a good night's sleep worth?  
Re: How Much Is a Good Night's Sleep Worth?
Reply #2 Dec 21, 2011 5:14 AM
Joined: Jun 16, 2011
Points: 171
slpngoc wrote:

I usually say, a bed is one of the last things you should skimp on, unless you must.

I agree. After reeling from sticker shock while bed shopping for the first time in nearly two decades it finally sunk in that the one household item I shouldn't be cheap about is the place I spend 7 - 8 hours out of every 24.

Re: How Much Is a Good Night's Sleep Worth?
Reply #3 Dec 21, 2011 3:05 PM
Joined: Dec 21, 2011
Points: 6
Do yourself a favor, when you buy a bed...lie down on it for awhile...don't make a hasty desicion. Try it out...leave the store...come back another day and try it again. Most people make the mistake of walking in and lying down on a bed for 3 minutes and then lying on another bed for 3 minutes and making the choice to buy the mattress they're going to use for the next 10-15 years. You can research online all you want...but it's going to tell you NOTHING about how the bed will feel to YOU. You will use this product more then ANY other item in your home except your refrigerator and that's only because it runs 24 hours a day...


People constantly ask me..."which bed would YOU buy?" I tell them that's a bad way to shop. There is almost NO chance that I and them will like the exact same product. I'll make suggestions based on the feel types they seem comfortable on,as to which of the products I think will hold up longest, or with which bed the best value is, but that's it.

This message was modified Dec 22, 2011 by a moderator
Re: How Much Is a Good Night's Sleep Worth?
Reply #4 Dec 22, 2011 10:51 AM
Joined: May 12, 2010
Points: 241
SoCalGal wrote:



I started leafing through the topics posted on the forum and couldn't help noticing the same themes that keep recuring.  One of the most persistent themes has to do with the lack of comfort in mattresses already purchased and the other major theme is asking for recommendations.  So I started wondering how much is a good night's sleep worth?  

A lot for some and not much for some. Our people will spend big time on cars but will buy a 400 buck mattress. It is all about showing off.

Welcome to fat/obese, sleep deprived America munching on fast food and living on caffeine.

As for mattress makers, they like to make money (crappy mattresses/come back soon). If they can send men to moon, they can surely make a good, comfortable, lasting mattress, you would think.

I guess America is run by lobbyists. hey there are 40,000 lobbyist in DC. May be there are mattress industry lobbyists.

This message was modified Dec 22, 2011 by roy1

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