How to soften my Shifman?
Sep 29, 2010 4:08 PM
Joined: Jul 24, 2010
Points: 9

I ditched my problematic Kingsdown and bought a Shifman Renoir.  It came yesterday and I slept on it last night.  This morning I woke up with my left shoulder and arm completely numb, usually a sign for me that my mattress is too hard and aggravating the pressure point.  Now, I know it has been one night, but I am nervous that it is too firm, despite this being their softest mattress.  So, what do I do to soften this up if I continue to have shoulder pain? Do I get a latex topper or feather/fiber bed and which one, from what company? I am fairly small at 5'3 130 pounds.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, as I am upset that now I might have an uncomfortable mattress and hard time sleeping.




Re: How to soften my Shifman?
Reply #15 Oct 7, 2010 2:14 AM
Joined: Jul 24, 2010
Points: 9
Thanks CitySkies.  Thing is though, with the flipping and turning that you have to do with the bed (which I do see as a plus and one of the reasons I bought it) how do you ever break it in fully and quickly?  You keep changing the sides you sleep on every month or so  and would then go back to a hard side again right?  Also, tell me about your concerns regarding the flame retardants.  I had the Kingsdown bed with a lot of latex and my allergies were horrible with it.



Re: How to soften my Shifman?
Reply #16 Oct 13, 2010 8:42 PM
Joined: Dec 31, 2009
Points: 35
Hi Amy, sorry for the late reply -- no longer check/post regularly. I don't remember exactly, but think it took just a month or so to 'break in' the Shifman, and well worth. Don't tk you need to turn it more than that so you'd just have four sides to break in at one month each. Remember that breaking in is gradual so it gets progressively better during the 1-month period. You could try using a topper during the break-in period as I ended up doing.

How is the bed working for you now?

Re: How to soften my Shifman?
Reply #17 Oct 14, 2010 1:16 PM
Joined: Jul 24, 2010
Points: 9
Well, I like the feel of the fiberbed topper as it makes the bed softer.  Unfortunately, I am still waking up with a frozen shoulder and pain.  I am trying the Costco gel topper with the fiberbed and while it is comfortable, it has not helped my shoulder.  At this point, I may try the Kohls topper, but after that I am at a loss.  I have so much on the bed now that it would surprise me that the hardness of the bed is still causing the problem. Still, don't know.  After trying a few more things I may have to actually go to a doctor and see if I have a shoulder issue per se that is beyond the bed.  



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