I Bought O-stock "Venus" topper: I Doubt it is by Foamex
Feb 3, 2009 6:56 PM
Joined: Feb 3, 2009
Points: 8

I just got my 1 inch "Venus" 8lb topper from O-stock.  I thought I was getting such a great deal:

$180 for what would otherwise cost $420, for a Foamex Venus topper...

But - when I opened it, I saw that it is light blue in color.  The Sleepwarehouse website clearly states that their Venus foam's color is:

"Foamex trademark red."

So, what have I got here?  I did weigh it, and calculated its density at 7.795 lbs/cubic foot, which is close to the 8lbs of Venus.

So now I have to decide whether to return it or not.  Do you think it is a knockoff brand of 8lb foam and they just called it "Venus" to trick me into thinking it was a deal?  (Which worked.)  Also, The O-stock website for this item shows a photo of a pink topper, which further convinced me that this was the real deal...

There's no way this is real Foamex foam, right?

This message was modified Feb 3, 2009 by Mattress_Project
Re: I Bought O-stock "Venus" topper: I Doubt it is by Foamex
Reply #6 Feb 12, 2009 7:30 PM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
Was it suppose to have a cover included? If so send O-stock an email or live chat, or call. Did it have an odor? I hope you will be happy with it. Let us know. Good luck.
Re: I Bought O-stock "Venus" topper: I Doubt it is by Foamex
Reply #7 Feb 18, 2009 2:14 AM
Location: Vancouver, WA
Joined: Feb 9, 2009
Points: 21
Thank you for telling us this information.

I decided not to purchase any of this foam because of your review. If I had not found these forums the topper I purchased would have been that knock off venus from overstock. Just like you I would have simply kept the topper after a short period of deciding.

 Thank You so much. You saved a lot of other people from being very angry. A few people just don't understand online shopping and the risks you take.
Some people would be upset simply because the foam is not actually "venus" brand, even if the foam was comfortable and 8lbs density.

I knew not to trust them from the O-stock commercials with the singing.
This message was modified Feb 18, 2009 by Phalse
Re: I Bought O-stock "Venus" topper: I Doubt it is by Foamex
Reply #8 Feb 22, 2009 5:30 PM
Location: Vancouver, WA
Joined: Feb 9, 2009
Points: 21
After you get to use the topper for a while could you post some information about its comfort?

If O-stock just advertised it correctly as a knockoff there would be no problem.

Thanks lots!

Re: I Bought O-stock "Venus" topper: I Doubt it is by Foamex
Reply #9 Feb 25, 2009 7:11 PM
Joined: Feb 3, 2009
Points: 8
HI.  I can't give a review because I don't really sleep on it yet.  So far I have a project on the dining room floor and

 I am slowly adding to it as time goes on.  So far I have an E. King sized 3 inch layer of latex (natural, dunlop, 48 ILD) and on top of

 that I have the 1 inch Overstock 8 lb memory foam. 

I am trying to decide what to buy next. 

I'll let you know how it goes...

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