I have a $2100 credit at sleepy's whats the best one?
Apr 24, 2008 5:18 PM
Joined: Apr 24, 2008
Points: 2
I just got a credit from sleepy's. I bought a  King size Natures Rest Latex super plush pilliowtop Mattress two years ago. They wanted over 4000 for it after 1/2 hour of haggling and walking out ,I got the salesman down to 2100. After about two months my shoulder started to hurt and then after a year it was like sleeping in a whole. So sleepy's came out and gave it the test and we got a credit. At this point all I want is a mattress that I can depend on. This time they won't Gaurantee it ,so I have to make sure I get the right one. I am 6'1 200 pound I am allergic to dust mights but don't think I want to go latex again, scared it could fail ,maybe I will just get a  dust mite cover. What is the best most dependable Mattress sleepy's has to offer. I plan on spending a evening there but since its kind of hard to get a good feel for a mattress , given my last effort...I thought the naturest rest felt great and the literature had me sold and I got a great deal. I dont want to make the same mistake. Especially since the salesman will probably be trying to stear me to the one that cost them the least. Any help or idea's would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.  
Re: I have a $2100 credit at sleepy's whats the best one?
Reply #2 Apr 27, 2008 6:44 AM
Joined: Apr 24, 2008
Points: 2

I am leaning toward the serta perfect night sleeper cammera,but i will see if they have a dormia.Thanks again for your help.

Re: I have a $2100 credit at sleepy's whats the best one?
Reply #3 Apr 30, 2008 9:00 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 132
The "sleeping in a hole" you described has nothing to do with latex at all.  It would be due to the pillowtop as Lynn mentioned. If you go with another pillowtop mattress, you are extremely likely to have this same issue occur again.  You are much better off getting an aftermarket topper that you can easily flip over and replace when the time comes.

As for the mattress itself, I can't offer any advice there as I simply won't use a mattress than is drowning in flame-retardant chemicals.  I'm not a tree hugger nut - just someone who doesn't like sleeping on that crap.

Re: I have a $2100 credit at sleepy's whats the best one?
Reply #4 Apr 30, 2008 9:53 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
I agree with D3Fi that I will not sleep on a mattress full of chemicals. I value my health so if I did not have allergies to the chemicals, I still would not want to sleep in a room with them. That is why I bought solid wood furniture and my FloBed Latex mattress since I want to wake up feeling well and not feeling sick like I used to when I had a conventional mattress.  Today's world even has more chemicals and fire retardant chemicals in beds and I should know since Ii had to send the Simmons Roosevelt Bed back to Rockaway Bedding last February 2007 since I could not even be in the same room with it the first night without losing my voice and feeling like I could not breath.  I tried sleeping on it after airing it out all day with the windows open. I got so hot, felt nausea, couldn't breath and lost my voice that I put my bedding on the floor. The heat factor went away but I was getting sicker by the moment and felt like I would suffocate until I got out of the room and slept in a spare room on the floor rather than be in the same room as the bed full of chemicals. I was shocked by my experience since my former very old Posteurpedic extra firm bed with no padding only gave me a stuffed nose and a headache but I could sleep on it until it fell apart.

If I had to do it all over again, I still would have chosen my latex kit from FloBeds and not the Dormia Mattress. But if I never found out about latex kit mattresses, the Dormia Milan would have been the bed I would have bought. I can see now it would have been lower than I liked and the mattress not as thick as the one I have now. I also had a lot of latex cores exchanges and the Dormia Milan is not able to be opened to exchange the latex cores.  After my car accident, I needed even a firmer bed than I already had which was already very firm and it was easy to just move my latex cores around to place all the firmest ones on my side of the bed. 

No bed is perfect but getting a bed with a pillowtop is asking for a very short-term experience with a bed in my opinion since they do sink in and then become not comfortable.  I know D3FI also had many latex core exchanges with FloBed to get the right comfort level for him and his wife.  He likes his beds very firm also like me.  I think firm beds last longer since you can add toppers to replace when they wear out and still have your bed for many years.

If you like a soft top, just get a soft latex topper or if you do not mind chemicals some other topper.  If you don't mind chemicals and prefer springs, I would go with the firmest bed and add a topper. But this is just my opinion based on my experiences and reading posts of others.

Re: I have a $2100 credit at sleepy's whats the best one?
Reply #5 May 7, 2008 5:20 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
naturesunrest wrote:

I am leaning toward the serta perfect night sleeper cammera,but i will see if they have a dormia.Thanks again for your help.

Don't buy a Serta or other S Brand mattress unless you buy a SUPER FIRM one and then put on your own topper.

But eventually even the layers of foam inside that will have to be replaced (one or two years, probably) so you'll have to do surgery.

Look here at what's inside these S brand mattresses:


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