ILD Ratings: Foam, and Latex Talalay and Dunlop FIRMNESS
Sep 25, 2008 5:55 AM
Joined: Sep 6, 2008
Points: 87
Hi All,

I have tried to piece together some of the information from other posts but thought I would start a new one that could address firmness and ILD ratings between Talalay and Dunlop.

How do they work?

Is smaller the number softer?

I understand you can have a smaller

Would you recommend a section of FIRM foam within them to provide extra support .... don't want a sore back.

Any other thoughts would be most welcome.

Re: ILD Ratings: Foam, and Latex Talalay and Dunlop FIRMNESS
Reply #2 Sep 27, 2008 2:55 PM
Joined: Jul 10, 2008
Points: 69
Ild ratings are for the first 25% of compression. Two different foams with the same ild, can be very different beyond that 25%.  Latex with a 35 ild doesn't feel like a polyurethane foam with a 35 ild.
Re: ILD Ratings: Foam, and Latex Talalay and Dunlop FIRMNESS
Reply #3 Sep 27, 2008 10:27 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
Jankdc, thanks for sharing that about ILD's. I learn something new each day. I must get some sleep but had to get up to take pain medicine for mouth pain from a dental procedure so I needed to eat something and sit up 15 minutes before going back to bed so I thought I would check posts out to get me sleepy again.  :) 

I still have to look up the cost of my FloBeds for someone on this site but it is in files stored upstairs and I have had so many dental problems this past month and so busy with work, that I forgot. Sorry.

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