Innerspring Mattress with Latex Top?
Jun 15, 2009 1:24 PM
Joined: May 5, 2009
Points: 9
After initially being interested in the Sleepez Euro Innerspring Mattress with the latex topper it appears that they do not ship this model.  As an alternative is anyone aware of any Innerspring Mattresses with latex top layers that avoid all the foam that the S brands use? Thanks.
This message was modified Jun 16, 2009 by robdmb
Re: Innerspring Mattress with Latex Top?
Reply #7 Jun 20, 2009 6:07 AM
Location: Oregon
Joined: Oct 25, 2008
Points: 130
Marshall wrote:

im also glad you have decided against doing your own surgery on a mattress, in my opinion that is a very bad idea and the poster giving that advice is irresponsible for doing so. one of the highest paid and longest trained people making a mattress is the 'tape edger' his job is to seal the side material with the top and bottom, a special sewing machine is needed to properly secure the matt together as the stress this seem is put under when using the bed is very high, and if this goes the the whole unit will suffer, i could go on about the facts that many different glues react badly to foams and latex, and if they are not bonded they will creep, and the fact that many spring units use the material edgeing to keep some of there shape but im sure you get my point.

 i have been in the trade for a long time and spent a lot of time in many factorys and i would assure you that not even professional bed makers would try this with a home tool kit.

good luck with your search and keep us posted on your outcome.

Many folks on here have performed mattress surgery on a mattress that was just not right for them. It's not an irresponsible idea, it's often the very best decision they could make, given the circumstances they end up with. To replace the cheap PU foam that is in most all of the current S brand mattresses with a layer of latex or good memory foam has literally saved the mattress for many of these folks. 



No, you dont NEED a firm mattress.  -   Yes, alot of people not only want, but need a firm mattress.

Whatever kind of mattress you choose, if its really cheap it WILL be crap. - On the whole, I would agree with this, but there are exceptions. If you shop right, cheap can be good.

Buying a mattress topper just proves you didnt buy the right mattress. -  That may be the case, but again, it often times is the very best solution to a nasty problem.

If you have bought a mattress without trying it ... good luck!  -  I would agree with this, and also would offer good luck even if you have tried it.  In fact, these are the worst cases...... go to the store, try it out, it's great in the store, and then after 3 nights it's literal hell!  I know this one firsthand.

This message was modified Jun 20, 2009 by BillB
Re: Innerspring Mattress with Latex Top?
Reply #8 Jun 20, 2009 10:28 AM
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland.
Joined: Jun 17, 2009
Points: 21
BillB wrote:
</p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><span style="FONT-SIZE: 11pt; FONT-FAMILY: &quot;Helvetica&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;">Many folks on here have performed mattress surgery on a mattress that was just not right for them. It's not an irresponsible idea, it's often the very best decision they could make, given the circumstances they end up with. To replace the cheap PU foam that is in most all of the current S brand mattresses with a layer of latex or good memory foam has literally saved the mattress for many of these folks. </span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><span style="FONT-SIZE: 11pt; FONT-FAMILY: &quot;Helvetica&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;"></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><span style="FONT-SIZE: 11pt; FONT-FAMILY: &quot;Helvetica&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;">Bill</span></p><div class="size12" style="PADDING-RIGHT: 3px; BORDER-TOP: #ccc 1px solid; MARGIN-TOP: 25px; PADDING-LEFT: 3px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 3px; PADDING-TOP: 3px">MY ADVICE THAT NEVER CHANGES <p>No, you dont NEED a firm mattress. - <em><strong>Yes, alot of people not only want, but need a firm mattress.</strong></em></p><p>Whatever kind of mattress you choose, if its really cheap it WILL be crap. - <em><strong>On the whole, I would agree with this, but there are exceptions. If you shop right, cheap can be good.</strong></em></p><p>Buying a mattress topper just proves you didnt buy the right mattress. - <em><strong>That may be the case, but again, it often times is the very best solution to a nasty problem.</strong></em></p><p>If you have bought a mattress without trying it ... good luck! - <em><strong>I would agree with this, and also would offer good luck even if you have tried it. In fact, these are the worst cases...... go to the store, try it out, it's great in the store, and then after 3 nights it's literal hell! I know this one firsthand.</strong></em></p></div>

my this could end up going on for a while, maybe we should get our own thread rather than take up room and highjack this one. but just let me know if your intrested to find out why your wrong on a lot of these points. i most certainly do not want to get into an argument over it but i do prefer to dispell misconceptions and help people make the right choice in the future.
This message was modified Jun 20, 2009 by Marshall
Re: Innerspring Mattress with Latex Top?
Reply #9 Jun 20, 2009 12:36 PM
Joined: May 5, 2009
Points: 9
I know there are big concerns about the S companies but can anyone comment on the seeming quality of the layers in the latex mattress described above?
Re: Innerspring Mattress with Latex Top?
Reply #10 Jun 20, 2009 4:49 PM
Location: Oregon
Joined: Oct 25, 2008
Points: 130
In looking at this bed at the Costco site, its got a great big thick pillowtop, which will only break down in time. I know Costco has a wonderful return policy, but I would stay away from it. Do a search for pillowtops on this forum and you will almost universally find that they are not recommended, they are made of cheap PU foam that feels great for a while then breaks down and forms a rut.
If you need more comfort for a firm mattress, a latex or memory foam topper will usually work for most people.
Re: Innerspring Mattress with Latex Top?
Reply #11 Jun 22, 2009 4:07 PM
Location: Yosemite area
Joined: Sep 10, 2008
Points: 249
I am sorry, but I do not know of any, unless you go to an independant bedmaker. 
As for the poster's scolding for opening up one's bed and doing surgery on it to make it sleep better...what the heck?  It is a crime that these bed companies sell us crappy foam in the mattress, and then don't honor their warranties.  I've personally owned more beds in the last ten years than I care to think about, poured countless dollars down the drain in doing so, totally wasting my money.  If more bed companies cared about the consumer's comfort then the mattresses so many of us are looking for(simple but quality components, thank you very much) would be widely available.  They are NOT.  So I did surgery on my last bed in frustration.  That way I was able to tweak the inside layers and figure out what works best for me.  Turns out there was way too much P/U foam in it, and I also did not like the feeling of the pocket coils. 
I've watched beds being made too.  No great mystery there.  Cool machine that binds the edges.  But it is what is inside that counts.
This message was modified Jun 22, 2009 by Kait
Re: Innerspring Mattress with Latex Top?
Reply #12 Jun 23, 2009 12:08 AM
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland.
Joined: Jun 17, 2009
Points: 21
Kait wrote:
I am sorry, but I do not know of any, unless you go to an independant bedmaker.  <BR>As for the poster's scolding for opening up one's bed and doing surgery on it to make it sleep better...what the heck?  It is a crime that these bed companies sell us crappy foam in the mattress, and then don't honor their warranties.  I've personally owned more beds in the last ten years than I care to think about, poured countless dollars down the drain in doing so, totally wasting my money.  If more bed companies cared about the consumer's comfort then the mattresses so many of us are looking for(simple but quality components, thank you very much) would be widely available.  They are NOT.  So I did surgery on my last bed in frustration.  That way I was able to tweak the inside layers and figure out what works best for me.  Turns out there was way too much P/U foam in it, and I also did not like the feeling of the pocket coils.  <BR>I've watched beds being made too.  No great mystery there.  Cool machine that binds the edges.  But it is what is inside that counts.<BR>Kait

its amazing how many people have become so angry about my comments to the guy who first suggested surgery. i really am shocked at the responce to it, still it doesn't change my view on it but i am shocked.

the site is called from what i gather its where people will come when trying to make the decision on what mattress they are going to buy ..... we should be here helping them make the informed choices, not telling them i doesn't matter what you choose it will be rubbish anyway and you'll have to make it better.

im sorry you have had so many mattresses in the last 10 years, it seems you must be getting very bad advice when you are going mattress shopping.
Re: Innerspring Mattress with Latex Top?
Reply #13 Jun 23, 2009 1:10 AM
Joined: Sep 10, 2007
Points: 690
This is where I got my wonderful latex-on- springs mattress:

I happen to have LuraFlex coils rather than pocketed coils because I prefer the feel. I also have a thin, high quality layer of PU foam on the bottom. Layers of talalay latex on top. Zippered, quilted cover so I can tweak the layers if need be. I've had it for 2 years and just love it!
Re: Innerspring Mattress with Latex Top?
Reply #14 Jun 23, 2009 1:43 AM
Joined: Sep 7, 2007
Points: 476
Marshall, I notice you're in the UK. Maybe they make mattresses differently there--the old fashioned way. But here in the US they make them out of layers and layers of crappy low-density convoluted foam, designed to feel great in the store and last for about six months once you get them home. Or the problem might just be that you view the issue from the industry perspective. The same industry that has spent millions developing and promoting overpriced mattresses designed to be replaced in three years or less because that is the effective lifespan of the materials they make them out of. The same industry that has the temerity to tell consumers that a six-month old mattress with obvious body impressions is actually a good thing because it means the mattress has imprinted to your personal shape. Yeah, right.

It used to be you bought a mattress and it felt the same way in your bedroom that it felt in the store. And it felt the same way a year later--or five years, or even ten years. It used to be mattress manufacturers sold you a mattress built to last twenty years. Now they want to sell you one every two or three years and they make every effort to see that it happens. And it's next to impossible to find the "right" mattress because even if it felt right when you bought it it won't feel that way for very long.

I'm one of those people with an "internet degree" in mattress making you take a condecending attitude toward, who cut open my year-old so-called luxury firm (gasp!) and replaced the crap inside with latex and 4lb memory foam, and take my word for it--it's a whole hell of a lot better now than it was when it left the factory. Who cares if the top is no longer firmly bound to the sides? I can't feel the difference. Well actually I can. It's more comfortable!

You're very rigid in your viewpoint. But one size does NOT fit all. If you're adverse to mattress surgery don't attempt it. But you do people a great disservice advising them not to do it under any circumstances. Really. The world won't end if someone takes an X-acto knife to their mattress. In fact, I highly recommend it to those who are ready to chuck theirs out with the trash. You CAN make it better and enjoy a good night's sleep by taking matters into your own hands rather than play into the industry's hands by buying a new mattress every other year or so.

And one more thing... Yeah, some people DO need a firm mattress. So there you are!

Re: Innerspring Mattress with Latex Top?
Reply #15 Jun 23, 2009 9:20 AM
Joined: Sep 10, 2007
Points: 690
Amen, Cloud9!
Re: Innerspring Mattress with Latex Top?
Reply #16 Jun 23, 2009 12:20 PM
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland.
Joined: Jun 17, 2009
Points: 21
<BR> cloud9 wrote:
Marshall, I notice you're in the UK. Maybe they make mattresses differently there--the old fashioned way. But here in the US they make them out of layers and layers of crappy low-density convoluted foam, designed to feel great in the store and last for about six months once you get them home.
<BR>well, you might have hit the nail on the head there, i dont know the quality of your matts, but from the sound of it they must be really bad and if they are as they sound i really feel sorry for you guys (thats not sound condesending i really am) there are bad matts in the uk, loads of them, but there are some wonderfull ones too, and many of them will not suffer the same fait as the ones you have experence with.<BR> <BR><BR> cloud9 wrote:
Or the problem might just be that you view the issue from the industry perspective. The same industry that has spent millions developing and promoting overpriced mattresses designed to be replaced in three years or less because that is the effective lifespan of the materials they make them out of.
<BR>i dont in any way shape or form agree with people having a mattress that is not suited to them or is not fit for purpose, a lot of memory foams at the lower end are as you say nothing short of rubbish and would be better suited round your boiler as insulation than being slept on. i for one (personal opinion time) am not a memory foam fan, i have had a tempur mattress and replaced it within the year as i could not get used to the feeling and returned to a sprung mattress. but understand the appel of them and due to massive spending in advertising they are what every one is asking about and in turn it dominates the bed market. <BR><BR>on the subject of memory foam being bad, if you had memory foam 5-10 years ago or sleep on a memory foam that is classed as a medical product, ill guess you will find these a lot better than ones you will find on the market today. this is not just due to companys trying to srew you with lower priced and quality products but in a large part due to the chemicals used to fire guard the product, it makes it less responsive, less viscousand leads it to become brittle quicker. thats one of the reasons for tempurs massive succes in the UK, it was sold for many years as a medical product and managed to sidestep the fire regulations while every other company had to conform to them. (bit of useless info for you there)<BR><BR><BR><BR> cloud9 wrote:
The same industry that has the temerity to tell consumers that a six-month old mattress with obvious body impressions is actually a good thing because it means the mattress has imprinted to your personal shape. Yeah, right.
<BR>any company that tell you that is lying, settelment is to be expected as has always happend right back to when they were made of straw but when it gets to the point where it is obvious even when turning your matt regularly then it is exsessive. no argument with me there.<BR><BR><BR><BR> cloud9 wrote:
&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;It used to be you bought a mattress and it felt the same way in your bedroom that it felt in the store. And it felt the same way a year later--or five years, or even ten years. It used to be mattress manufacturers sold you a mattress built to last twenty years. Now they want to sell you one every two or three years and they make every effort to see that it happens.
<BR>the working life of a mattress should be 7 - 10 years and better if taken care of. anything less than this is poor and 2 - 3 years is a joke and shouldnt be put up with. i agree with you 100%. do you have orginsations like 'trading standards' or an ombisman for home furniture, i would be going to see them and complaining about it, i would also be sending letters to the retailer you bought it from and the manufacturer too and keep pushing, as long as it is not fit for purpose, faulty, wrongly descibed etc and its not a case of you bought a bed thats not the right feel for you. <BR><BR><BR> cloud9 wrote:
And it's next to impossible to find the &amp;quot;right&amp;quot; mattress because even if it felt right when you bought it it won't feel that way for very long.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;
<BR>some will, i not only deal with mattresses for my job i sleep in one too, so do my family and friends, and (other than me having experamented with a new type of bed (tempur)) i have not been disapointed with my mattress due to lacking quality, nor has any any of my family and friends i have helped choose one.<BR><BR><BR><BR> cloud9 wrote:
I'm one of those people with an &amp;quot;internet degree&amp;quot; in mattress making you take a condecending attitude toward, who cut open my year-old so-called luxury firm (gasp!) and replaced the crap inside with latex and 4lb memory foam, and take my word for it--it's a whole hell of a lot better now than it was when it left the factory. Who cares if the top is no longer firmly bound to the sides? I can't feel the difference. Well actually I can. It's more comfortable!
<BR>i honestly was so shocked to hear this has become common practice, and my reaction has raised a lot of eyebrows. ive never heard of people being so disapointed with the bed industry that they have had to go to these lengths. i will never agree that this is a good idea, but i guess im not in your shoes and as you say its your mattress so you can do as you want. but the idea of it really makes me sad that these are lengths you have to go to so you can get a good night sleep. (on a side point you amended your luxury firm for a higher quality softer memory foam and latex, would you have felt better with a softer mattress from the start?) <BR><BR> <BR> cloud9 wrote:
&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;You're very rigid in your viewpoint. But one size does NOT fit all. If you're adverse to mattress surgery don't attempt it. But you do people a great disservice advising them not to do it under any circumstances. Really. The world won't end if someone takes an X-acto knife to their mattress. In fact, I highly recommend it to those who are ready to chuck theirs out with the trash. You CAN make it better and enjoy a good night's sleep by taking matters into your own hands rather than play into the industry's hands by buying a new mattress every other year or so.
<BR>as stated above and elseware, i wont agree with this. i would still say to buy a better quality from the start, it seems from what you say this is not available but i am confident that they must exist, of all the millions of people in the USA only a few hundred (hands up on this one, i have no idea how many people use this forum) have found this site. i would expect these sites to be full of people complaining about them and asking for advice, but this site is not very busy. <BR><BR><BR> cloud9 wrote:
&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;And one more thing... Yeah, some people DO need a firm mattress. So there you are!<BR>
<BR>ok, why do you need a firm mattress?<BR><BR>
This message was modified Jun 23, 2009 by Marshall

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