Is it possible I have a foam or latex allergy?
May 2, 2008 6:07 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
About 6 months ago I started experimenting with foam again after having slept on a spring mattress for many years, as some of you know.

Granted, the Sealy had a lot of foam in it BUT the foam was sealed inside the mattress... and no latex...

Then I did surgery on my mattress and started experimenting with HR foam, memory foam, and latex.

Now: about 2-3 months ago, I started waking up with very watery eyes every morning. This ONLY happens in the morning, which is why I finally began to suspect my mattress might be the cause!

I have always had allergy issues, but never watery eyes, usually just nasal drip. And my regular allergies (nasal) have not been unusually bad lately even though the eye thing has started up out of nowhere.

I went to the eye doctor and she gave me $100 worth of eye drops (4 different ones!) and though it helped, it did not solve the problem. I am still waking up with watery eyes every morning.

This is the ONLY symptom I am having other than nasal cogestion which I always have, and which is pretty much "under control" with the meds I take for that.

Sooooo. I began to think, just a couple days ago: "Hey, wait a minute! This thing with my eyes started about the same time as I began using 2 things:

The cuddle bed from CostCo and the latex toppers I have had stored away for many years.

I have never had a latex "allergy" per se, but one time I used a latex wrist support on my arm over night,  and I ended up with a severe itching problem that lasted for a wek or more after I quit using the support. I had slept on latex before but never for months, only for 2-3 weeks.

Sooooo, my question is: Does anyone here know anything about latex allergy symptoms? Has anyone ever had a latex allergy? Is watery eyes a common symptom? I wuld have thought that itchy skin would have been more likely, especially for me, if I was allergic to it, because I have very sensitive skin and many things cause my skin to itch. But that has not been the case - just watery eyes.

After finally getting a combination of foams I like on my bed, now am I going to have to get rid of the latex and try something else???

p.s. Yeah, I know I can experiment with replacing the latex and see if that does away with the watery eyes... That is what I will have to do, I guess. But I really HATE doing that, when I JUST got my mattress the way I like it for the first time in years!


Re: Is it possible I have a foam or latex allergy?
Reply #4 May 4, 2008 7:07 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
Jimscal, When I first bought my Comforter, I loved the way it looked but my eyes itched all night. Hence, I had to wash it at the laundrymat and then I had no problems sleeping with it. I can't handle polyurethane that outgases and I am sensitive to this. I also air out all latex before using it for several days and then I am OK with covered latex. My latex cores and topper are sealed in a zippered cover. 

Please keep us updated. I hope you solve the problem soon and find out what is bothering your itchy eyes. The tree pollen is very high in my area right now and maybe it is high in your area also creating this problem if you find it not to be the bed?

Re: Is it possible I have a foam or latex allergy?
Reply #5 May 6, 2008 1:17 PM
Joined: Sep 10, 2007
Points: 690
I agree. Just remove one item at a time, similar to detecting a food allergy. I would be surprised that it could be the CuddleBed since it's supposed to be hypoallergenic (not using down or feathers.) The outer shell is 100% 400 count cotton. But, ya never know! Anyway, just try removing things and experimenting. Let us know!

cloud9 wrote:
Wow, what a bummer. I know you've been struggling for a long time trying to get your mattress comfortable. <p>I agree with Kim. Remove the Cuddle Bed first. There may be some kind of fabric finish on it that is causing your eyes to water. Also, if you've put a new mattress pad or protector on the bed take it off and wash it. In fact, if the Cuddle Bed is washable, run it through the laundry to remove any chemical residue. </p><p>It's possible that you are allergic to some of the foam, possibly the HR foam that is off-gassing. Latex allergies usually show up as skin rashes, not as eye allergies, but anything is possible. But if the Cuddle Bed proves not to be the culprit, start removing foam layers, one material at a time. I'd start with the HR foam first and the latex last.</p><p>Then again it could be environmental too. If the problem persists after you've eliminated all the suspects you might want to see an allergist, who might have a better handle on the situatiion than an eye doctor.  </p><p>Good luck. Hope you get it sorted out.
Re: Is it possible I have a foam or latex allergy?
Reply #6 May 6, 2008 5:00 PM
Joined: Sep 10, 2007
Points: 395
I would give odds of very slim on the latex.

More likely might be mold if latex is top layer, and foam is underneath, thus preventing latex from venting moisture.

Highest probability is dust mites, etc. with cuddlebed. Might want to get a good comforter enclosure from NationalAllergy.
Re: Is it possible I have a foam or latex allergy?
Reply #7 May 7, 2008 5:00 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
Thanks to all for the ideas!

I removed the latex first and so far that has not seemed to help. I guess the next thing to try will be to eliminate the cuddlebed.

Fortunately, removing the latex and adding back the 1" memory foam instead has actually improved the feel of my bed, at least for now.

I think whoever said it could be dustmites because of opening up the mattress might be right. I never really thought about the fact that the mattress was probably full of mites - which I know I AM allergic to, to some degree - and that opening up the mattress probably left me exposed to more of them. However, usually the mites give me asthma and I have not had asthma , just watery eyes. Which is why I suspected something more like latex.

I'd like to enclose the whole thing in a National Allergy dust-mite proof zippered mattress cover - but man! that would just add a whole new level of HASSLE to adjusting the layers of my mattress, which I still seem to be doing at least once every week or two... Though it IS generally "better than ever" - but still, every so often I feel the need for a change. My theory is that even high quality foam - especially toppers - seem to flatten out after a week or so of use, and thus need to be replaced with a different topper. The harder toppers tend to last longer - but I tend to need a softer topper in order for my back not to hurt so much.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback. I'll report back if I learn anything.

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