I've slept all over town
Apr 14, 2008 8:22 PM
Joined: Apr 15, 2008
Points: 25
hehe.  Not really, saw that on another site and laughed.  Been watching this forum for awhile.  Am as obsessive about research as I am about finding a solution to my bed problems.  Wanted to know if anyone has seen the website www.naturalsleepproducts.com ???  They have the same ergosoft stuff as absolutecomfort does. But for $160 !!!!  Anyone have exprience with this site or topper ???  Thanks!
Re: I've slept all over town
Reply #9 Apr 16, 2008 7:41 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
Since the Brylane Topper has a great return policy, Maybe try the twin size for part of the bed and if you like the width, buy another twin to cut it. If it is too thin, then you will know you want thicker. I had thought I needed 1.5" of softness over very very firm but I was wrong. Actually, I wish the Brylane Topper was only 3/4" thick since it is very soft but feels good on my shoulders over the very firm layers of latex I have.
Re: I've slept all over town
Reply #10 Apr 18, 2008 1:45 AM
Joined: Sep 7, 2007
Points: 476
TheQuest wrote:
Jimsocal, yes, "too much" meant sinking down and back hurting.  When I add both, memory and egg crate, seems too much.  But just one makes me ache too. 

If your mattress is not supporting your back sufficiently adding more foam of any kind will probably just make it worse. You've just discovered that a "firm" mattress overpadded with low density PU foam isn't really rigid enough to support your lower back, and unfortunately this is only going to get worse as the foam softens up and becomes even less supportive. I don't know how long you've had the mattress for, but if it's not very old you might want to see about returning it to Costco and looking for an old fashioned 2-sided mattress without all the extra layers of foam over the springs. Then you can add your own toppers of choice to give it just the right amount of a comfort layer without compromising support.

Re: I've slept all over town
Reply #11 Apr 18, 2008 3:38 AM
Joined: Sep 10, 2007
Points: 395
Try doubling your eggcrate, first mated, and then unmated, and see how each feels. As has already been mentioned, your real problem probably the mattress, not the toppers, assuming the ache w/ only one topper is support and not pressure related. As far as naturalsleepproducts, no direct info but they didn't return email re: ILD or shipping/returns. The price sounds too good to be true (usually @$150/inch including shipping for LI talalay, a bit less for the "jungle" dunlop--some here like the dunlop, but my concern is quality, warranty, and a manufacturer/seller still in business in 2 years).
Re: I've slept all over town
Reply #12 Apr 18, 2008 3:45 AM
Joined: Sep 10, 2007
Points: 395
That's $150/in king size.
Re: I've slept all over town
Reply #13 Apr 18, 2008 8:47 AM
Joined: Apr 15, 2008
Points: 25
Hi Everyone,

thanks for the input everyone.  I am waiting on my samples from AbsoluteComfort, before I pick their 2" or Sleeplikeabear 1" 24ild.  My mattress is weeks old, without anything on it, it does not bow.  On scale of 1-5, it's a 1 for firm.  I tried the two eggcrates together, both ways.  It was a combo of too soft of cheap foam going down to the firmness.  So I definitely need a new topper.  I shaved off some of my soft memory pillow.  Don't know if it's that, or I'm adjusting to the firmness, or drinking less water in the evenings.  But I'm sleeping better, and on my back more!  Weird!  I'll starting a new post on what I found out about Naturalsleepproducts.  Thanks everyone!

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