jimsocal, have you got your CuddleBed Ultimate yet?
Mar 17, 2008 10:24 PM
Joined: Sep 10, 2007
Points: 690
Just wondering if you got your CuddleBed from Costco.com, and if so, have you tried it out yet? Just curious! :)
Re: jimsocal, have you got your CuddleBed Ultimate yet?
Reply #6 Apr 10, 2008 8:38 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
kimmcgov wrote:
Jim -- So how thick IS the Cuddlebed? I have not bought one thinking that it might be TOO thick and cause our sheets, which barely fit over everything as it is, to be too small entirely.

I hope I never have to go through that torturous test. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Have you by any chance tried acupuncture? I had a neck issue with tingling down my arm and, I swear, acupuncture cleared it up. What you have sounds much more chronic (and painful), but it is worth a try if nothing else is helping -- Kim

Hi Kim,

The Cuddlebed is not that thick at all. I'm just guessing but maybe 3/4" thick especially after you use it awhile...?

Thanks for the condolences. I have tried acupuncture but I don't think the guy I went to was very good. I'm trying to do things now that my HMO will pay for because I just cannot afford to spend thousands more on things that may not work. If I  knew something would work for sure, I'd pay almost any amount of money! But I hate throwing money down a hole!

I will be going back to my neurologist in a couple weeks. Maybe he will order some more tests or have some more ideas...

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