Just arrived
Feb 3, 2010 8:39 AM
Joined: Oct 8, 2009
Points: 192
going to put this on my Costco/Sleep Science Latex bed and see what happens...The Latex is the right firmness but I am spoiled by the plush feel of the Bellafina Temp...

cant put link here

dont know how to put link here, costco, type in toppers, click on  


This message was modified Feb 3, 2010 by randys
Re: Just arrived
Reply #12 Feb 4, 2010 10:14 AM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
jimsocal wrote:
My wool topper is fluffy wool inside of a cotton cover. We had a king with our king sized flobeds so after we switched to 2 x twins due to my wife's restless legs syndrome, we couldn't use the topper any more. Finally I just cut it down the middle with scissors and am still procrastinating getting someone to sew it. But it's about 2" thick but if you squeeze it with your hand it goes down to 1/4-1/2". The way they made it, it seems not to "bunch" inside. Right now I'm loving it.

I don't think the feel of it is that noticeable - it's very subtle probably for most people. But I think it does insulate me from that "right on latex feel" that I'm not wild about. I think if you get the fluffy kind you might be okay with 3" but the more "solid" type, you'd probably want no more than an inch or so. They're probably not returnable, being bedding, so I'd try to buy one that you can feel and touch before you buy it.

Let's see if I can do this: the link to CostCo topper is HERE. [see my other post below as to how I had to make this link]
Is it possible they just recently fixed this? I swear I have tried it before and done it exactly the same way and it never worked!

Anyway, I would recommend buying 2 x 1" layers at FBM or wherever instead of 1 x 2" layer. More options. Also I would consider buying one medium and one soft.

My mattress is all good right now, but I would really love to just TRY one of those FBM 20ILD latex toppers!
I am confused by FBM's toppper page, though. It talks about Talalay vs. "standard" latex and it says it's "100% natural" but does that mean it's absolutely not blended latex? I guess it means it's not a blend, right?

I too think 3" of memory foam is a mistake. I have yet to see memory foam that does not wear out too quickly so you'll no doubt end up with no support and a sore back from 3" of it. I think 1-2" can sometimes work depending on the person but 3" rarely. Even 5-6" or whatever can work for some - thus Tempurpedic is still around. But I think for anyone with support issues, memory foam more than a couple inches is too much. Personally even 1" doesn't seem to work for me but I think 1" of real Venus foam MIGHT work for me because it is supposed to be more dense and a higher quality than others.
This message was modified Feb 4, 2010 by jimsocal
Re: Just arrived
Reply #13 Feb 4, 2010 10:19 AM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
BillB wrote:
Hey Jim - the LINK function on here does work OK. 

Here's how to do it. When you are making or editing a post, make sure the editing toolbar is showing, click on the little 'world' icon that show a chain link on it(its the one on the left), when that pops up insert you link, but make sure the http:// is NOT included in the string as you will see to the left of where you enter the url, the http is already there. You might have to arrow over and remove this, or be certain when you are copying the URL that the http:// is not included.

The link to the Costco memory foam pad is HERE

Bill,this is what happens to me:
I copy the url into memory without the http: so I have just copied this into my clipboard: www.foambymail.com/LatexTTwin.html

Now I highlight HERE and click on the left globe above with the link icon and a box opens up. I copy www.foambymail.com/LatexTTwin.html into the box and click "Okay".
It makes the "HERE" turn blue and so it appears it has worked!
However, when I click on POST the same box comes up again with the info I put in it and so I click OKAY. Except that it won't accept an OKAY click, so I have to click cancel to get out of it. Then I come here to my post and see that the HERE is still blue and so is a clickable link, but when I click on the link it takes me to a blank window.

I try to EDIT it and when it comes up again under EDIT mode the url is no longer in there. I put it in again and re-POST, and ....
NOW it works.
What browser are you using? I'm using Firefox 3.5.7 . In the past even the EDIT has not worked for me. Today it worked but only in the EDIT mode, not in an original post.
This message was modified Feb 4, 2010 by jimsocal
Re: Just arrived
Reply #14 Feb 5, 2010 3:02 AM
Location: Oregon
Joined: Oct 25, 2008
Points: 130
jimsocal wrote:
Bill,this is what happens to me:
I copy the url into memory without the http: so I have just copied this into my clipboard: www.foambymail.com/LatexTTwin.html

Now I highlight HERE and click on the left globe above with the link icon and a box opens up. I copy www.foambymail.com/LatexTTwin.html into the box and click "Okay".
It makes the "HERE" turn blue and so it appears it has worked!
However, when I click on POST the same box comes up again with the info I put in it and so I click OKAY. Except that it won't accept an OKAY click, so I have to click cancel to get out of it. Then I come here to my post and see that the HERE is still blue and so is a clickable link, but when I click on the link it takes me to a blank window.

I try to EDIT it and when it comes up again under EDIT mode the url is no longer in there. I put it in again and re-POST, and ....
NOW it works.
What browser are you using? I'm using Firefox 3.5.7 . In the past even the EDIT has not worked for me. Today it worked but only in the EDIT mode, not in an original post.


I just did a check on this with various browsers.  IE8, which I use most of the time just because its there, shows the tool edit bar. Google chrome shows nothing, but Firefox did show it OK. If you're not seeing it with Firefox, I'd suggest updating to the latest iteration, cleaning out all browser cache, and lastly, if you can do it, reset the browser back to default settings.  Randy - when you're setting these links, highlite the word you want to have the URL associated with, and then go up and click on the link button and enter the address, this will set what you have highlited as 'hot'..  I've worked in the IT field for about 15 years and am mainly an OS (operating system) guy and troubleshooter for the various apps we have, but I'm always working with the browser as so many apps run in it now.  But an html editor/expert I am not.... way too boring for me.   We have IE (Internet Explorer) as a standard and that's why I use it more than the other browsers, not because I love Microsoft, in fact I think the whole MS phenonenom has peaked.  They certainly control the OS and Office software markets now, but they have not been innovators for a very long time, and I think you will see them get knocked down hard in the next 10 years unless they do something different.  I use all of the browsers when I can, mostly though, I am far more interested in getting whatever I'm after to worry about browser loyalty; to me its just a tool.

About the natural vs blend latex thing, I really think that 95% of us would never ever know the difference between these and although there may be some longevity issues with one or the other, its not really a concern to most people. To me it seems to be one of these things that companies can use to argue for more money for their product.  After 15 or 20 years all of us are going to want something different anyway. I think FBM is probably just getting whatever they can find for a good price at the time.  I see now it says they are from Europe, when I bought mine a year+ ago they were supposed to be made in the USA.  I don't think it matters greatly. 

What's really important is how all of this stuff feels to use as individuals.  That is the only true barometer.  I think it is totally wrong to judge any of this latex solely by looks, because you're not going to look at it while you're sleeping on it, you're only going to feel it.  It might look like a piece of crap, but be very comfortable, and conversely, it might look like heaven's pearly gate, but feel totally wrong.

Alice - yes it's true. Some people just don't do well with latex.  If you have found that Air works best for you, then do what you can to tweak that to make it better.  Maybe try some different pillows, and different sizes and types of pillows.  I don't like these big pillows that are out there now... standard only for me and I don't like latex pillows, just down right now.  I use two.  We're all going to be a little different in what we like and there's no hard and fast rule of what is right.  Playing around with these can help especially when you've exhausted every other avenue. 
This message was modified Feb 5, 2010 by BillB
Re: Just arrived
Reply #15 Feb 5, 2010 4:43 AM
Joined: Jan 9, 2010
Points: 128
They came and got the Costco latex and I blew my bed up and for s/giggles I put on the new 2 inch latex topper. MIS-take! I know for sure I can't sleep on latex, too firm for my 288lb body. I have a chance to get any kind of topper on Overstock, shall I try one of the colored foams? My issues are arms and hands falling asleep. I have slept on beds that this doesn't happen but it never lasts. Any advice is would be helpful, I am so confused at this point. Plus I have a stack of foams I will never use.

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