Just bought new FloBed V-Zone... IKEA foundation question... :)
Aug 1, 2010 9:47 AM
Joined: Aug 1, 2010
Points: 1
I have been reading this forum for over a year and we finally bought our FloBed V-Zone set to arrive Tuesday!!  We have a regular boxspring set into a sleighbed... can we put this IKEA foundation over the boxsprings?  If so... I was going to pick it up tomorrow.


Or do we need a large piece of plywood over the boxsprings?   We need the "boxspring height"...



Re: Just bought new FloBed V-Zone... IKEA foundation question... :)
Reply #1 Aug 1, 2010 9:19 PM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
Personally I would want something more solid than a box spring under my latex mattress. Regarding the $70 piece you linked to, I cannot say, as I have never seen this before.

I just know that you need a very firm and solid foundation for your latex mattress in order to really be able to analyze and adapt it to your personal preference. This is going to be more difficult because the VZone gives you so many more options. Therefore a base that is not solid will give you false information.

Possibly a half-inch, or even a three-quarter inch piece of plywood would do the trick for you. You should be able to get that for less than $70.

This message was modified Aug 1, 2010 by eagle2

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