Kohls Doorbuster and introduction-1st post
Oct 20, 2010 2:31 AM
Joined: Oct 20, 2010
Points: 1
I just signed up here at the forum.  I've been lurking, reading and learning for a couple weeks.  I just wanted to pass along what seems to be a great deal at kohls today (wednesday).  They have 7 zone memory foam toppers by Perfect Comfort for $39.99, today only, any size.  They range from $100-180 retail.  They are returnable.  Great deal for me as I have a king.


Of course I went in there yesterday to get the great deal, only to realize it was only Tuesday, lol.  They graciously let me put it on layaway until today, so I will be picking two up later today for myself and my Mom. 


I have quite a long mattress saga that I may share when I have more time.  To put it in a nutshell, I have low back pain so I thought a new mattress would be the cure.  I went into Metro Mattress (big mistake) and ended up buying a Beautyrest Classic pillowtop.  Ugh,  felt great in the store but 5-6 hours later, same backache.  Plus I felt like I was sinking into a hole.  After reading here voraciously and becoming totally obsessed (you can ask my coworkers), I decided to cut my losses at metro mattress and get a very firm, very little padding "cheap" mattress by SpringAir. I was able to do an even trade, instead of paying an additional $700 to actually go down a step in quality for the firmer non-pillowtop Beautyrest.  How do they get away with this cr*p?  It sleeps like a board, so I am now in the process of finding a topper.  I have discovered that sleeping directly on a pillow will get me a good 4-5 hours before I wake up in pain.  I have hope that I can find the right configuration.


Although I am intrigued by the more expensive latex toppers, I am starting out by trying some less expensive options first.  I already feel I've been hosed by the furniture store, so I would like to keep costs down.  Right now I have some eggcrate on order from foamdistributing.com (thanks for that tip, they would've charged me $200 for a king sized standard 2" pu topper at the local shop, I am still picking my jaw off the ground!), plus I thought I would give the perfect comfort topper from Kohls a shot as well.  At that price, what is there to lose?


One note about the SpringAir.  When they delivered it and I was checking it out, I noticed that there was foam on the side of the mattress spaced out in an irregular pattern.  Seems they don't encase the entire mattress in foam, they only do the corners and random springs along the sides.  So when you sit on it, you may or may not hit one of the reinforced springs.  It feels ridiculous!  Must be another attempt to cut costs.  I remember looking at someone's mattress surgery on a spring air and the entire mattress was encased in foam.  Now they don't even do that.  Cheap-O!


Anyway, love the forum and thanks to all who contribute their knowledge and advice.  Who knew this could be so complicated?  After this experience, I truly wish I had kept my old Sealy Posture something or other and just added a latex topper for a few hundred dollars.  After thinking that my mattress was not hard enough, now I am wondering if it was too hard.  


Re: Kohls Doorbuster and introduction-1st post
Reply #1 Oct 20, 2010 3:24 PM
Joined: Sep 18, 2010
Points: 59
Welcome, and let us know how the new topper works for you!
Re: Kohls Doorbuster and introduction-1st post
Reply #2 Oct 20, 2010 3:42 PM
Location: Yosemite area
Joined: Sep 10, 2008
Points: 249
Thanks for the tip about the toppers at Kohls!  Glad to have you aboard.


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