latex 70 density
Oct 2, 2010 9:00 AM
Joined: Sep 30, 2010
Points: 81
I just saw a tag on my latex topper that says the density is 70. So what's that mean, people who know about ild or whatever?  Just curious.

(it's a nice comfort level for me, but it's too hot, so honestly I just might have to figure out some way to sleep w/out it..which is a shame if I end up there).

Re: latex 70 density
Reply #4 Oct 3, 2010 10:02 AM
Sweet Deals, Sweet Dreams! Premium Mattress Outlet
Location: Anaheim, CA
Joined: Oct 2, 2010
Points: 32
budgy wrote:

its definitely not an ILD rating.  I know Latex Green measures their cores in density, they bring them in measurements of 70, 80 or 90 and its cast right into the rubber core itself.

Great!  Let's find more ways to make things more confusing!!!



Re: latex 70 density
Reply #5 Oct 3, 2010 5:06 PM
Joined: Sep 30, 2010
Points: 81
yes, it says right on the tag: "Density 70" (the 70 was written in by hand by someone at the shop). and it is latex green iirc.
Re: latex 70 density
Reply #6 Oct 3, 2010 6:46 PM
Joined: Oct 3, 2010
Points: 809
Here's a link to the Latex Green site that should help you translate the 70 rating into ILD. It is the softest of their latex (their cores are 75 soft-medium, 85 medium firm, and 95 extra firm)


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