Latex Bliss from Healthy Back?
Jul 25, 2011 9:07 AM
Joined: Jul 25, 2011
Points: 3
Has anyone bought a Pure Latex Bliss mattress from healthyback? They are described on the web site as "healthy back bliss" instead of "pure latex bliss" but the model names are the same. I emailed Pure Latex Bliss and they said they are genuine products, and the Healthy Back people said the mattresses are "made for them, but they are Pure Latex Bliss." I am still scared to pull the trigger though because the price is so much lower than anywhere else. Any experiences?
This message was modified May 29, 2012 by a moderator
Re: Latex Bliss from Healthy Back?
Reply #4 Sep 6, 2011 11:19 PM
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
Joined: May 13, 2011
Points: 170
HealthyBack has the F rating.

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