Latex over coils?
Mar 23, 2011 4:22 AM
Joined: Mar 11, 2011
Points: 9
Was at the local Gardner Mattress store and found two mattresses I liked.  One was their 'firm' talalay latex mattress.  I think around 8".

Other was a 3-4" talalay latex on coils.  Never seen that combo before.  There was minimal polyurethane (I think) foam on the perimeter to keep the coils in place.  It was very comfy with less of the 'springy' sensation that I feel with the pure latex mattresses.  

Just wanted to get your thoughts on this.

Re: Latex over coils?
Reply #3 Mar 23, 2011 10:01 AM
Joined: Mar 11, 2011
Points: 9
Thanks Mark

Just ordered the 3" latex over coil in a King from Gardner.  We wavered between it and the 9" firm latex mattress.  In the end, this one felt more supportive.

I was thrilled with their salesman, return/exchange policy and it's nice to support a local business.  Will report back after it arrives this weekend.


Re: Latex over coils?
Reply #4 Mar 23, 2011 12:14 PM
Joined: Oct 13, 2009
Points: 156
Eoren, which store did you buy from?  I shopped at the NH store but then took a trip to Salem, MA to see the main location..  That was a good move since I found that the owner in Salem would bargain a little on the prices.  haha.  I got the foundation along with the latex mattress.  Yes, they are very easy to deal with and good to support the local economy.
Re: Latex over coils?
Reply #5 Mar 23, 2011 1:15 PM
Joined: Mar 11, 2011
Points: 9
Bought from Salem.  The Gardner happened to be there today.

Our salesman gave us 10% off as the website had been running the promotion as of when I went in there last weekend.  Thought that was incredibly nice as I hadn't mentioned it thinking it had expired.

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