latex feeling vs Tempurpedic feeling
Jun 14, 2010 2:19 PM
Joined: May 12, 2010
Points: 241
which do you prefer?

tempurpedic - like sleeping on sand?

or latex? Thanks

Re: latex feeling vs Tempurpedic feeling
Reply #5 Jun 15, 2010 7:09 PM
Joined: May 22, 2010
Points: 112
KimberlyH wrote:

I like the feel of both.  I went with latex because 1) I was concerned about all the off-gassing of memory foam products, including tempurpedic 2) my research led me to believe that a latex bed would have a longer lifespan than a tempurpedic bed and 3) I prefer the supportive and resiliant feel of latex to the sleeping in sand feel of memory foam (although I liked the Rhapsody bed just fine) and finally, 4) there are questions about memory foam "sleeping hot" and this seems to be less of an issue for most people with latex.

My daughter had brief problems sleeping hot in her latex bed, this turned out to be solved by just switching out the bedding to a lighter weight comforter.

Ditto what Kimberly said. I just built a mattress using latex after a lot of research on this site and others, for the reasons Kimberly cites. Point #3 is the only one I wasn't sure about because I'd lain on but never actually slept on either MF or latex, but there are many fans of both types and I knew either one would be better than most of the conventional mattresses available.

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