Latex Mattress - All Latex or foam base?
Nov 7, 2015 10:09 PM
Joined: Nov 8, 2015
Points: 1
We are looking at getting a new mattress. I like the layered Latex mattresses but I am wondering if the base (bottom of the mattress, not the box spring) really needs to be latex as well. I liked an Ikea mattress that was foam with a latex topper. Does the latex in the base really make a differance? Maybe it lasts longer?
Any one purchase one like this?
Re: Latex Mattress - All Latex or foam base?
Reply #11 Oct 10, 2016 6:59 PM
Location: USA
Joined: Oct 8, 2016
Points: 2
The bottom of the bubble is highly compressed, and there is much less, with your personal comfort level, closer to your body.
Re: Latex Mattress - All Latex or foam base?
Reply #12 Oct 21, 2016 9:53 AM
Joined: Oct 21, 2016
Points: 3
The core of your mattress is very important. A high quality core will give you years of long lasting support. A poor quality core will sag and indent after a short period of time and the mattress will not last as long. A 100% natural latex mattress is the best. One where both the core and the top layer are 100% natural latex. One with no blends or synthetics. It is the most resilient and lasts the longest over time without sagging. A foam base is cheaper and not as supportive. Any mattress with a foam base will not last as long as those with 100% natural latex bases. Trust me, I have been through many mattresses and I have learned through trial and error. I have done a lot of research & testing.

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