Latex Mattress has arrived, suggestions needed.
Apr 5, 2009 6:11 AM
Joined: Feb 8, 2009
Points: 18
My FBM latex mattress has arrived.  I have a 2" soft latex topper over a 6" firm core. I ordered firm due to my size, however,  I prefer a plush feeling sleep system.  I am still waking up sore in several places.  My existing box spring was shot, so I discarded it.  My mattress is currently on the floor.
My question is where to start to go about making it more comfortable?
  •  Do I need to add more latex? 
  •  Do I need to order a cuddlebed from Costco?
  •  Will a slatted foundation neccessarily make the mattress any softer?  I have been thinking of getting the Versiflex foundation from online.
I think I won't need the foundation anymore once I purchase my platform bed. (It's expensive and I'm still saving for it), but if it will help I'll have to order it. I don't have a lot of money, so I don't want to sink money into the wrong thing.  Suggestions greatly appreciated, as to I have no clue where to begin.
Re: Latex Mattress has arrived, suggestions needed.
Reply #27 May 12, 2009 7:56 AM
Joined: Nov 19, 2008
Points: 53
Have you tried BillB's suggestion about a memory foam topper or Cuddle Bed? I also like a soft bed, and I've had success so far with my FBM 6" firm core with 3" soft topper on a platform bed. I have a Cuddle Bed mattress cover from Costco; it has a pillowtop section filled with batting (polyester, I think) and adds about an inch or so of additional softness.  Good luck in whatever decision you make.

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