Latex and Memory Foam, which one is better?
Dec 7, 2012 3:26 PM
Joined: Dec 6, 2012
Points: 2
I'm going to buy a new mattress but confused now. Some people say latex is better; while some say not. Do you have any suggestion?
Re: Latex and Memory Foam, which one is better?
Reply #1 Dec 7, 2012 6:56 PM
Joined: Dec 5, 2012
Points: 5
I'm a newbie too and from what I've seen latex should last a lot longer than memory foam. 

M foam has it's place but it won't last that long or not what I've seen.  Good luck. 

Re: Latex and Memory Foam, which one is better?
Reply #2 Dec 8, 2012 7:17 AM
Joined: May 28, 2012
Points: 38
I suggest you try them both. They really are different feels so it is a personal preferance w/ latex being bouncier and in most cases cooler sleeping. Foam is Petro based so if that is an issue stay clear, unless it is synthetic latex is a healthier product.


Re: Latex and Memory Foam, which one is better?
Reply #3 Dec 8, 2012 8:33 AM
Joined: Jan 24, 2012
Points: 70
Hi.. Get into a good latex.. make sure you really know the latex is not just a layer and then another layer of something else on top and another layer of something else on the bottom.. do plenty of have it at your fingertips online.. for comparison.. also get a med. firm latex as it will have some give without being too soft.. a firm one will stay firm and may not be as comfortable but in the long run will probably outlast any of the mattresses around..  Memory foam will have much more give and you will notice the longer you sleep on it the more it will become a hammock effect thus giving poor alignment..  I know they tout the firm will never do that but indeed your body heat during sleep will be sinking in and you will feel like you are crawling out each time you move.. too bad the mattress industry doesn't have a trial period for people to take them home for a couple of  days.. I swear it would cut back on the amt. of mattresses returned back and forth and less hassle for everyone involved.  Good luck it's like buying a car these days out there with mattresses..luck of the draw..!!!
Re: Latex and Memory Foam, which one is better?
Reply #4 Dec 9, 2012 5:09 AM
Joined: May 28, 2012
Points: 38
A trial period? Would you want to TRY a mattress a lot of others did also and have been in many houses with who knows what. That is unrealistic. Many companies have comfort exchanges to swap layers.



the organic bedroom ..

Re: Latex and Memory Foam, which one is better?
Reply #5 Dec 9, 2012 11:36 AM
Joined: Jan 24, 2012
Points: 70
Re: Joey.. I guess you missed my point... exactly what do you think is done with many of the mattresses that are swapped out.. thown away?  they are usually resold.. restocked or whatever.. !!!  do you actually trust this industry.. like who is watching them?? I have never heard of Gov't control or some state inspections for this industry.. so maybe your bed or layers have been slept on before.. especially buying online.. when stuff goes back.. so many senerios.. sickening.. to even think about..  
Re: Latex and Memory Foam, which one is better?
Reply #6 Dec 10, 2012 2:51 AM
Joined: May 28, 2012
Points: 38
I think it is pretty unfair to bunch all retailers togethor. I can promise you as a retailer I have never done such. I do however appreciate your point... internet retailers are totally unregulated and I would imagine the greatest risk would come from them.
Re: Latex and Memory Foam, which one is better?
Reply #7 Dec 22, 2012 6:11 PM
Joined: Feb 24, 2012
Points: 42
This question is impossible to answer. You have to try memory foam and  latex to decide for yourself. If you think it is too close to call in the store, then latex lasts longer so go with that. A thick sheepskin topping works a lot like a thin layer of memory foam without the heat retention issues.

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