Latex Versus Memory Foam Advice Needed
Sep 8, 2010 12:01 PM
Joined: Sep 8, 2010
Points: 5
Hi All~

I apologize if this is a redundant post, but I tried searching for similiar topics and found it a bit overwhelming to try to find answers to all my questions that way. 

So here I go.....

About 4 years ago I pieced together my own component memory foam mattress and I have really loved it until now.

I have noticed lately a few dips and a hump in the bed, and so has my SO.  We finally unzipped it last night and took a good look.  The 2" top layer of Sensus has our body indentations in it already.  I have rotated and flipped the pieces a few times during its lifespan, so I was surprised to discover this.  I was suspecting one of the cheap PU bases was the culprit.  I have to wonder if I got a bad, or authentic Sensus piece????

Here's my set-up:  2" of Sensus, 1.5" of eggcrate Sensus {pointed side facing down}, 3" of PU base foam, and 3" of firmer PU foam.  I have forgotten the ILDS of the PU bases now, but they were purchased from JC Penney at the time.  Also, the cover for this whole thing is 10" high.

Since the Sensus fatigued so quickly I am considering a 2" latex topper now to replace it in the same set-up.

We both weigh between 135 -170 lbs.  We both sleep on our tummies and backs.  He occasionally on his side too.

I have a bad back/neck, shoulder, and sacroiliac joints.  Right now my sacroiliacs/hips are really flared up and I believe it's the mattress causing this.

I am looking for the most affordable way to meet my needs.  I don't mind spending a little more if it will really make a difference.

I was thinking of going with 2 1" layers of different ILD latex toppers.  I figure I can switch them out to get the right firmness.  My local store sells 20, 26, and 37 ILD of Dunlop.  I am curious if combining them {the 20 and the 26 toppers specifically} this way will not yield the same ILD of the very top piece?  Or will it feel more like a combination of the two toppers instead?  Would it be better to just get the 20 or 26 ILD 2" topper instead?

Also, I would like to hear from people who have had both memory foam mattresses and latex and what they prefer and why.

I know I can just go out and replace the topper with another 2" pad of Sensus and keep things the same.  I am wondering though if I can improve the mattress now, and make it more durable as well.

Thanks in advance for all thoughts and opinions.

Lisa {Sleepless in St. Louis}








Re: Latex Versus Memory Foam Advice Needed
Reply #12 Sep 10, 2010 7:19 AM
Location: Mequon, WI
Joined: Aug 30, 2007
Points: 363
mydogsowner wrote:

The Overstock Sensus pad {from their website ad} 


  • Twin: 37 inches wide x 72 inches long x 1 inch thick
  • Twin XL: 37 inches wide x 77 inches long x 1 inch thick
  • Full: 51 inches wide x 72 inches long x 1 inch thick
  • Queen: 58 inches wide x 77 inches long x 1 inch thick
  • King: 76 inches wide x 77 inches long x 1 inch thick
  • Cal King: 70 inches wide x 80 inches long x 1 inch thick

It would be good for me to know if your pad was a true King size, or the size as advertised.  If it is a few inches short, I guess you aren't noticing it then?

My pad is a true King size.  Not as specified on their site.

This message was modified Sep 10, 2010 by MequonJim

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