A layer of softness for a Dunlop Topper - Seeking ideas!
Sep 17, 2013 6:08 AM
Joined: Sep 17, 2013
Points: 2
Hello everyone - I've been dealing with a too-firm mattress for a while now, tried a few different things, and just can't figure out the best ultimate solution. Back in January I bought a latex bed from a local manufacturer - it's essentially a 6" 36ILD Talalay core with cotton quilting. Bad advice, bad choice, but I'm stuck with it. Tried a Talalay topper (various zones, 14, 19, 28 ILD) for about 6 months, but I just don't take to the feel of Talalay. So I recently bought a 3 inch Dunlop topper and I adore the feel! But, I'm only 130 lbs (back-sleeper) and it really is too firm to sleep well. I know I need something softer on top to make it work for me. My problem is, I'd love to stick with the Dunlop feel but I can't seem to find any Dunlop in a topper softer than the 19 IFD I bought from Rocky Mountain. I've been on Dulop mattresses I've loved at the Clean Bedroom store, so I feel it must be possible, I just can't seem to find any options. Not sure a softer Talalay is a direction I'd like to go,  and memory foam is possible, I just don't have much experience with it.

So if anyone reading this has any ideas of products or online stores I might would to check out, I'd love to hear about it!



Re: A layer of softness for a Dunlop Topper - Seeking ideas!
Reply #1 Sep 17, 2013 8:30 AM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
The Rocky Mountain website says the softer dunlop iis 16-18.  I assume that is what you have, and I am not sure you can Dunlop softer than that. 

Memory foam can add a nice cushy feel, so you might want to try that.  Not too much though.  If you want just a little softer, you might want just 1".    If more significantly softer, maybe 2".   If you buy 1", you can add another inch later (maybe try folding in half first to see what adding another inch will be like).  

You can look on overstock or other places.  1" is a bit harder to find.   In general, more dense will be better and last longer.  4 lb should be min density.  

Re: A layer of softness for a Dunlop Topper - Seeking ideas!
Reply #2 Sep 17, 2013 6:53 PM
Joined: Sep 17, 2013
Points: 2
Thanks, Sandman!

Yes, you're correct - that is what I have from Rocky Mountain. What I don't understand is that I've been on a Dunlop mattress that seemed much softer on the top, namely the one Sleeptek makes for the Clean Bedroom store. They tell me this is all Dunlop, but it's a great deal softer on top that my topper. I wish I could unlock it's 'secret,' short of shelling out the dough for it.

I think you're also right about seeing if I can work in inch increments. I took a chance on a 3in 4 lb memory foam topper, which is usable though not great, but made me think perhaps one of my issues this year is that sellers keep recommening 3 inch comfort layers, when probably 2 is max for my weight and needs. I know that's a big generalization, but maybe a good guide to use as I move forward.

I may try some of the Puralux, see if it's a decent compromise - softer than Dunlop but not quite Talalay. It sounds like it might have potential...

Thanks again,


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