Looking for 11"~12" 360 Zippered Ticking Cover for DIY
Mar 7, 2011 9:10 AM
Joined: Feb 12, 2011
Points: 11
Any suggestions?  I'd like something that's probably stretchy and not too tough; and something that won't take away from the foam slabs inside it.  At the same time, I'd like it to dutifully protect its contents for years to come.  To make this even more challanging, I'm looking for an economical solution.  And I need to buy it soon.
Re: Looking for 11"~12" 360 Zippered Ticking Cover for DIY
Reply #2 Mar 7, 2011 11:10 PM
Joined: Feb 12, 2011
Points: 11
The bamboo & polyester looks sweet, but I think FoamByMail's classic gray & white striped ticking case will probably have to do.  Everything else is just a little out of my budget at this point, unless someone can talk me out of it.  I just worry that the case might be too bulky/firm.  Anybody have experience with this encasement?

I inquired about the zipper.  It spans the long-end side and ends just around the corners on the head/foot-end sides.  You can kind of see it in the picture on their website.  It'll be a struggle, but I can probably gracefully seat the slabs in this case.  I need a 12" width for a full-size, BTW.