Looking to Firm up a Tempur-Pedic Cloud.
Dec 28, 2011 4:17 AM
Joined: Dec 28, 2011
Points: 2
I have been "trolling" this forum for a few months prior to buying our new Tempur-Pedic Cloud.  Long story short, my wife loves the bed after about 6 weeks, I on the hand do not.  The first 3 nights were, "Ok".  For about the past 2 weeks, I am getting about 5 hours of sleep until I wake-up with a lot of lower back pain.  I think the Cloud is lacking support, and that's causing my pain.  Is there a topper that I could add to my side of the bed to firm it up?



I liked the firmer beds and she liked the softer ones, so I gave in.  I guess we should've got a split king, haha.  I spoke with Bed-in-a-box about their toppers, and they were extremely nice and honest, but said that adding one of their toppers would just make the bed softer.  I spoke to tempur-pedic and they said they same thing.  I don't mind softer if it helps with the pain.  I weigh 161 lbs and thin build. 


I'm hoping someone can help me out and give me some direction.  If "softer" still gives some support I'll gladly drop 300.00 on a topper to get my sleep back.  I have some minor back pain any way as I'm a Deputy and lug around all kinds of things on a duty belt.  Thanks guys.

This message was modified Dec 28, 2011 by mp_leo
Re: Looking to Firm up a Tempur-Pedic Cloud.
Reply #2 Dec 29, 2011 5:07 AM
Joined: Dec 28, 2011
Points: 2
I'll give them a try, and I'll follow-up to let everyone know.  From all my searching I realized that my situation was somewhat unique.
Re: Looking to Firm up a Tempur-Pedic Cloud.
Reply #3 Dec 29, 2011 9:02 AM
Joined: Nov 19, 2011
Points: 76
Actually, you might be able to solve your problem with something very simple. Since the Tempur material really needs weight AND body temperature to do its best work... you may want to try some type of wool pad (something thicker than just a water proof mattress cover) in order to insulate your temperature from the Tempur material. Reducing youtr direct beody temp may keep the material from softening up.

As I help clients get "fit" into the right sleep system, I focus a lot on the lower back support for varying weights and needs. While the softer feel of the cloud will definitely make your wife happier, it sounds like you just need something a little less forgiving or contouring for your specific need. This 1/2"-3/4" pad should help yu get just the amount of temp barrier and not make the bed feel any softer to you.


Good Luck and Sleep Well MP Leo!

Re: Looking to Firm up a Tempur-Pedic Cloud.
Reply #4 Jun 24, 2018 3:03 PM
Joined: Jun 24, 2018
Points: 1
I also am looking for a way to firm up my tempupedic cloud supreme. My husband and I have had to abandon it and opt for the guest room bed until we can find a way to firm it up. Tempupedic suggested extra fitted sheets to tighten the cells but that had not worked. The mattress also gets very hot and it’s impossoble to sleep. And I find it difficult to turn freely, but rather sink down into a spot and feel like I have to go to a lot of effort to change positions. Our mattress is only 3 years old. I was wondering about a mattress cover, topper, or the wool cover mentioned in these comments. Where to purchase?
Re: Looking to Firm up a Tempur-Pedic Cloud.
Reply #5 Aug 4, 2018 10:36 AM
Joined: Mar 14, 2009
Points: 34
For quite awhile I wished for a Tempur-Pedic, but hesitated as I was not sure enough to purchase.  Then I went to a conference and in the hotel they had just changed out to all new Tempur-pedic beds. This was my chance to check it out!

Sorry to say, I awoke often during the night with very uncomfortable hotspots wherever my body had the most contact (think shoulders and hips).

I don't know if a latex topper could solve your problem, but at least it is breathabe.  No hotspots. 

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