Looking for a Houston Latex Mattress dealer or showroom
Jan 16, 2012 8:53 AM
Joined: Jan 16, 2012
Points: 2
We are grateful to find this informative site.

After returned our box spring mattress that we got from Mattress firm. Now we are on the market to find a Latex Mattress.

I did search that didn't find any latex mattress dealers near us. except one savvy rest store in Austin. Before we drive up there to feel the latex, i want to ask here if anybody knows that there are latex mattress showroom here in Houston?

Re: Looking for a Houston Latex Mattress dealer or showroom
Reply #2 Jan 16, 2012 11:23 AM
Joined: Jan 16, 2012
Points: 2
Thanks Sall very much for the info. 

I just wish i'd found this site 2 months earlier, we drove by there that time! 

I searched the google that didn't see any one carry Latex mattress here in houston. So I think I and my husband have to drive to B&M store to feel it! I hope your friend Phoenix got what they are looking for by now. 

by the way, the website you give seems don't have a lot Latex mattress choices. Or they acturally have a lots samples in store? thanks again! 

Sall wrote:

If you haven't already, use the "search" function and search for Houston or Texas.  I know that our friend Phoenix bought his latex here and they were willing to customize it to his requested specs.  Phoenix probably did the most research on mattresses that I have seen on this site.  I know it's a drive but it may be worth it.



This message was modified Jan 16, 2012 by yuliki
Re: Looking for a Houston Latex Mattress dealer or showroom
Reply #3 Jan 16, 2012 2:36 PM
Joined: Aug 5, 2010
Points: 227
I wish I had known about them a couple of years ago when I drove through the Dallas area too. 

See Reply #6 in this thread.  While they don't have a lot of mattress models, Phoenix had them custom build a 2 sided all latex mattress for him.  I would call and ask if they would do the same still.  Also, ask what they have available to try out although trying any mattress for a short time may not tell you a lot.



Some of Phoenix's other threads on his research have disappeared there are some helpful ones left but getting harder to find.


This web site indicates there is a range of latex choices for this company:  http://www.themattressfactory.com/MattressesBeds/Models/BarringtonFoamandLatex.aspx

This message was modified Jan 16, 2012 by Sall
houston mattress
Reply #4 Sep 11, 2012 3:04 AM
Joined: Sep 11, 2012
Points: 1
In Houston there are furniture stores that claim to 'save you money', or claim every other week that they are 'getting out of the mattress business' or the 'eather business' .or even tell you that they have a limited supply of furniture or mattresses in some warehouse. HOUSTON - YOU DESERVE BETTER!
This message was modified Sep 11, 2012 by a moderator

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